[14:14:22] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: a name did not start with a legal character 41 ()) Line 17, position 31. last input was RyuBot-sw1 chan: #cvn-sw 03IP14 [[lb:User:]] 03edited14 [[lb:Jean-Pierre Hoffmann (Foussballspiller)]] (+157)14 10Diff:12 https://lb.wikipedia.org/?diff=1640056&oldid=161778014 "Am Artikel am Tageblatt ass och eng Foto an eng kleng Biographie. Avis aux amateurs." [14:14:42] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: a name did not start with a legal character 41 ()) Line 17, position 31. last input was RyuBot-sw1 chan: #cvn-sw 03IP14 [[lb:User:]] 03edited14 [[lb:Jean-Pierre Hoffmann (Foussballspiller)]] (+6)14 10Diff:12 https://lb.wikipedia.org/?diff=1640057&oldid=164005614 "" [14:14:55] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: a name did not start with a legal character 41 ()) Line 17, position 31. last input was RyuBot-sw1 chan: #cvn-sw 03IP14 [[lb:User:]] 03edited14 [[lb:Jean-Pierre Hoffmann (Foussballspiller)]] (+6)14 10Diff:12 https://lb.wikipedia.org/?diff=1640057&oldid=164005614 "" [14:14:55] !petan wmbot5 is dead [14:14:56] petan: ping! (wmbot5 is dead) [14:15:48] Pfft. [14:52:22] Revi: ping... did you miss me? [15:01:15] System is shutting down, requested by petan from #wm-bot [15:01:26] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: a name did not start with a legal character 41 ()) Line 17, position 31. last input was travis-ci chan: #huggle [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/huggle/huggle3-qt-lx/builds/15229605 [15:03:17] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: a name did not start with a legal character 41 ()) Line 17, position 31. last input was RyuBot-sw2 chan: #cvn-sw 03IP14 [[sl:User:]] 03edited14 [[sl:Zaimek]] (+3)14 10Diff:12 https://sl.wikipedia.org/?diff=4130194&oldid=411435114 "/* Samostalniški zaimek */" [15:04:12] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: a name did not start with a legal character 41 ()) Line 17, position 31. last input was saper chan: #mediawiki DanielK_WMDE: probably only if you get a fresh tarball, it's there. If you upgrade older, use git or whatever - extensions dir iss empty [15:04:13] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: a name did not start with a legal character 41 ()) Line 17, position 31. last input was RyuBot-sw2 chan: #cvn-sw 14[[sk:User:Bubamara]] deleted article [[sk:Šukať]] "Experimenty: obsah bol: „ked chlap zo zenov robia sex ale moze aj chlap s chlapm“ (a jediný autor bol [[Special:Contributions/]])" 12https://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%c5%a0uka%c5%a5 [15:05:34] wm-bot: stop that... [15:26:09] @add #wikipedia-wikiproject-BPL [15:26:09] This channel is already in db