[06:50:04] This channel is already in db [06:50:04] @join ##L235 [06:50:10] Permission denied [06:50:10] @part ##L235 [06:50:14] uh... [09:14:22] @part ##L235 [09:15:24] L235: it is there as wm-beta [09:18:23] it seems that it didn't log out and back in properly [10:05:18] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.2] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [10:05:18] @help [10:05:48] wm-bot2 is killed, but still hanging around as wm-beta [10:06:16] therefore it isn't wm-beta [10:06:29] Permission denied [10:06:29] @restart [10:06:48] http://bots.wmflabs.org/dump/%23wm-bot.htm [10:06:48] @info [10:07:29] You are admin identified by name .*@wikisource/billinghurst [10:07:29] @whoami [11:10:46] T13|mobile: around? [11:11:45] At 6am? Barely. [11:12:07] oooooo kay [11:12:17] Sup? [11:12:26] when you are awake later wm-bot2 [11:12:39] I cannot get the instance up [11:12:46] instructions fail for me [11:13:35] nohup mono bouncer.exe 6668 & (fails and I cannot see how else to get it to kick into action) [11:14:14] Hrmm [11:15:16] I don't even know if I have access to bastion to try any more... [11:16:39] I did want tp fix a few things in linkie though like adding phab and picking a better prefix for linking to enwp from channels where it's not default. [11:16:52] I don't want to restart at server as petr will growl ;-) [11:17:46] If restarting an instance doesn't work, blow it up and restart them all. [11:17:57] do you want to do that from here [11:17:59] ? [11:18:07] Petrb will live. [11:18:23] Do what from here? [11:18:28] Permission denied [11:18:28] @restart [11:18:42] Oh, that does little [11:18:46] System is shutting down, requested by T13|mobile from #wm-bot [11:18:54] <- only has admin in settings not root, and I hesitate to change [11:19:11] oh [11:19:29] Restart doesn't do what most think. I should work on that module too. [11:21:18] all my procrastination :-) [11:21:33] Looks good [11:22:01] @join ##L235 [11:22:17] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [11:22:17] @part ##L235 [11:22:39] @join ##L235 [11:23:02] !db [11:23:27] Must have changed [11:23:31] http://bots.wmflabs.org/dump/%23wm-bot.htm [11:23:31] @info [11:24:53] ? [11:25:38] No idea [11:26:01] * T13|mobile fades back off to la la land. [11:26:15] * Feliz_Anno_Nuevo no habla casi nada de inglés. [11:26:38] ^ back to sleep [17:31:20] Hey, could someone add me as admin again in ##L235? [17:32:37] .*@wikipedia/Lixxx235 is an admin but my cloak changed to "wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235" [17:37:00] L235, you should ask petan or sDrewth when one of them is back [17:46:17] Why not me? [17:46:45] !ping [17:46:45] prank! [17:46:51] You are root identified by name .*@wikimedia/Technical-13 [17:46:51] @whoami [17:47:00] Which channel? [17:47:09] ##L364? [17:47:20] L235: Jurgen|Cloud ? [17:47:46] ##L235 [17:48:04] Didn't know you were a maintainer too, Technical_13 ;) [17:48:19] 18:31:20 Hey, could someone add me as admin again in ##L235? [17:48:28] ##L235 :) [17:48:51] .*@wikipedia/Lixxx235 should be what? [17:49:29] wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 [17:49:53] .*@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 [17:50:00] Yes [17:50:15] [12:50] Successfuly added .*@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 [17:50:21] :)