[05:38:54] wm-bot2 is dead. AGAIN... [05:39:09] petan, T13|sleeps ^ [05:40:04] :/ [05:41:26] I think I know why [05:47:17] happens all the time...why? [06:02:25] I use it as a wikipedia feed bot [06:03:09] I have A* B* c* D* WP:* Wikipedia:* Portal:* in my RC feeds list [06:03:41] ... [06:03:49] WTF [06:04:23] :/ [06:07:06] I'm the one that breaks wm-bot2 [06:10:22] lol :P [07:11:23] Who will scream at me...? wm-bot, 2, 3, 4,5 ..? [07:11:24] Permission denied [07:11:24] @restart [07:11:31] ah wm-bot [12:10:05] System is shutting down, requested by T13|sleeps from #wm-bot [12:11:27] Fixed [12:12:05] Josve05a: Agent_Isai wm-bot2 should be fixed. [15:29:53] Agent_Isai: Josve05a I just checked and all the bots are running flawlessly. Ping or email if they get stuck. :) [15:46:33] petan: you here? Is there a way to clear the queue on an instance? wm-bot2 was locked up this morning and kill/conn didn't clear the queue/fix the issue. I had to @restart them all to fix it. [15:47:20] Attempting to join ##marcosdias using wm-bot3 [15:47:20] @add ##marcosdias [16:09:26] petan: What exactly is the queued stat on info? I'm thinking the if it hits 70% of where it locks up (idr if it was 4K or 40K when I restarted it) it should just dump the queue. [18:43:11] @kb TBloemink [18:43:11] Permission denied [18:43:12] @kb TBloemink [18:43:12] Permission denied [18:43:14] @kb TBloemink@kb TBloemink [18:43:15] Permission denied [18:43:15] @kb TBloemink [18:43:15] Permission denied [18:43:15] @kb TBloemink [18:43:15] Permission denied [18:43:15] @kb TBloemink [18:43:15] Permission denied [18:43:16] @kb TBloemink [18:43:16] Permission denied [18:43:29] <_-leo-_> :-/ [18:43:53] NeoMahler >_> [18:44:02] @kb natuur12 [18:44:02] Permission denied [18:44:03] @kb natuur12 [18:44:03] Permission denied [18:44:04] @kb natuur12 [18:44:04] Permission denied [18:44:05] @kb natuur12 [18:44:05] Permission denied [18:44:05] @kb natuur12 [18:44:05] Permission denied [18:44:06] @kb natuur12 [18:44:06] Permission denied [18:44:06] Attempting to join #Solo-para-mejores-amigos using wm-bot4 [18:44:07] <_-leo-_> @add #Solo-para-mejores-amigos [18:44:07] @kb natuur12 [18:44:07] Permission denied [18:44:07] @kb natuur12 [18:44:08] Permission denied [18:44:24] This channel is already in db [18:44:24] <_-leo-_> @add #Solo-para-mejores-amigos [18:45:19] Permission denied [18:45:19] @part #solo-para-mejores-amigos [18:45:28] <_-leo-_> @part #solo-para-mejores-amigos [18:45:28] _-leo-_ escribe @part #solo-para-mejores-amigos [18:45:35] _-leo-_ @part #solo-para-mejores-amigos [18:45:44] Attempting to join #solo-para-mejores-amigos using wm-bot2 [18:45:44] @add #solo-para-mejores-amigos [18:45:46] Permission denied [18:45:46] <_-leo-_> @part #solo-para-mejores-amigos [18:45:47] ok [18:46:10] Attempting to join #antivand-abuse using wm-bot5 [18:46:10] @join #antivand-abuse [18:47:57] @ping [18:48:16] Invalid name [18:48:16] <_-leo-_> @add Cafe-Racer [18:48:31] Attempting to join #Cafe-Racer using wm-bot [18:48:32] <_-leo-_> @add #Cafe-Racer [18:48:39] Permission denied [18:48:39] @part #solo-para-mejores-amigos [18:48:41] This channel is already in db [18:48:41] <_-leo-_> @join #Cafe-Racer [18:49:08] <_-leo-_> HiraIO :P me meti el papa de todos xD [18:49:32] Permission denied [18:49:32] @part #solo-para-mejores-amigos [18:49:39] I trust: .*@.*[Ww]iki.* (2operator), .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome (2admin), .* (2operator), [18:49:39] @trusted [18:49:55] I trust: .*@.*[Ww]iki.* (2operator), .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome (2admin), .* (2operator), [18:49:55] @trusted #solo-para-mejores-amigos [18:52:08] @kick TBloemink [18:52:08] Permission denied [18:52:11] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [18:52:11] @part #solo-para-mejores-amigos [18:52:24] This channel is already in db [18:52:24] @join #solo-para-mejores-amigos [18:52:38] @kick TBloemink [18:52:38] Permission denied [18:52:47] @kick natuur12 [18:52:47] Permission denied [18:52:52] @kick TB|Cloud [18:52:52] Permission denied [18:52:58] @kick SPF|Cloud [18:52:58] Permission denied [18:53:10] @kick Jurgen|Cloud [18:53:10] Permission denied [18:53:43] <_-leo-_> :P [18:53:59] leo , flood flood flood [18:54:10] @kick natuur12 [18:54:10] Permission denied [18:56:31] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.2] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [18:56:31] @help [18:56:41] NeoMahler , https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot [18:56:57] ah [19:00:13] <_-leo-_> @part #Cafe-Racer [19:01:35] Attempting to join #Cafe-Racer using wm-bot [19:01:35] <_-leo-_> @add #Cafe-Racer [19:01:46] Attempting to join ##maraton using wm-bot2 [19:01:46] @add ##maraton [19:01:58] Attempting to join ##roar using wm-bot4 [19:01:58] @add ##roar [19:02:05] Attempting to join #hira using wm-bot2 [19:02:05] @add #hira [19:02:32] _-leo-_ para bradford ;) [19:02:44] <_-leo-_> que_? [19:03:45] <_-leo-_> @part #Cafe-Racer [19:03:54] Attempting to join #cafe-racer using wm-bot [19:03:54] @add #cafe-racer [19:05:42] Attempting to join #solo-para-mejores-amigos using wm-bot2 [19:05:42] @add #solo-para-mejores-amigos [19:14:23] This channel is already in db [19:14:23] @add #discoteca [19:18:07] Attempting to join #kiwiirc using wm-bot5 [19:18:07] @add #kiwiirc [19:19:13] Attempting to join #wikipedia-es using wm-bot2 [19:19:13] @add #wikipedia-es [19:23:28] This channel is already in db [19:23:28] @add #discoteca [19:24:39] Invalid name [19:24:39] @add #discoteca wm-bot4 [19:24:47] meh [19:24:54] �como se meten? [19:41:30] elm3rl1ns: uhhh [19:41:49] Permission denied [19:41:49] @part #discoteca [19:41:53] ok [19:42:05] Attempting to join ##wikicafe using wm-bot5 [19:42:05] @join ##wikicafe [19:42:11] Attempting to join #wikipedia-es using wm-bot2 [19:42:11] @join #wikipedia-es [19:42:16] Attempting to join #wikipedia-es-bots using wm-bot [19:42:17] @join #wikipedia-es-bots [19:42:22] This channel is already in db [19:42:22] @join ##marcosdias-bots [19:42:32] Permission denied [19:42:32] @part ##marcosdias-bots [19:47:05] Attempting to join #kiwiirc using wm-bot5 [19:47:05] @add #kiwiirc [19:49:43] This channel is already in db [19:49:43] @join ##Isai [19:49:51] :) [19:56:15] Attempting to join ##english using wm-bot2 [19:56:15] @add ##english [19:56:19] Attempting to join ##francais using wm-bot4 [19:56:19] @add ##francais [19:56:23] Attempting to join ##espanol using wm-bot [19:56:23] @add ##espanol [19:56:28] Attempting to join ##nederlands using wm-bot2 [19:56:28] @add ##nederlands [19:56:31] Attempting to join ##deutsch using wm-bot3 [19:56:31] @add ##deutsch [19:56:33] O_o [19:56:37] Attempting to join ##italiano using wm-bot4 [19:56:37] @add ##italiano [19:57:12] Resbaloso: do you need help ? [19:57:45] @systeminfo [19:57:45] * wm-bot2 is online; channels: 63 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [19:57:45] * wm-bot5 is online; channels: 62 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [19:57:45] * wm-bot3 is online; channels: 63 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [19:57:45] * wm-bot4 is online; channels: 63 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [19:58:04] niko , never your help. Thanks :) [19:59:21] petan: is it fine to abuse wm-bot like that ? [19:59:32] I will check it soon [20:01:34] petan: bot must get founder/ops agreement before joining channels [20:01:48] bot apparently doesn't need anything [20:01:57] if they don't want to have it there, they can kickban it [20:02:42] @part ##english [20:02:47] @part ##francais [20:02:53] @part ##italiano [20:02:59] @part ##deutsch [20:03:05] @part ##nederlands [20:03:10] @part ##espanol [20:03:53] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [20:03:53] @part ##kiwiirc [20:04:59] It's #kiwiirc [20:06:01] I trust: .*@.*[Ww]iki.* (2operator), .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome (2admin), .* (2operator), [20:06:01] @trusted [20:06:06] User was deleted from access list [20:06:06] @trustdel .* [20:06:24] Permission denied [20:06:24] @join #Isai [20:06:28] D: [20:07:02] get a cloak [20:07:24] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [20:07:24] @drop ##english [20:07:29] O_o [20:07:52] I won't get a wikipedia/wikimedia/whatever cloak [20:10:01] .*@.*[Ww]iki.* is a bit easy to abuse too :) [20:10:08] ^ [20:10:22] What if you have a wikia cloak [20:10:26] I guess it will filter out 99% of common trolls anyway [20:10:43] I haven't ever see anyone with wikia cloak in this channel [20:10:57] Oh [20:12:18] .*@[Ww]iki?edia\/.* ? [20:12:43] :/ [20:12:45] what's that V for? [20:12:50] oh lol [20:12:51] nvm [20:12:54] slashes [20:13:06] I'll never be able to make wm-bot join another channel ever again [20:13:13] why not [20:13:23] if you have it at least in 1 channel where you are admin [20:13:28] you can use @add there [20:13:36] oh yeah [20:14:01] I thought @add only worked here [20:14:08] nope [20:14:17] it just requires operator+ rights [20:14:55] wm-bot is running for few years and ever since I experienced nearly no abuse so far, so I don't really have a strong need with making things hard [20:14:58] so rights are only from here, outside anyone can ask it to join other channel ? [20:15:19] I had a lot of people from wikis who wanted to use bot in good faith and couldn't because of various restrictions [20:15:24] so I just lifted them up [20:15:35] :10 [20:15:42] niko: outside anyone who is admin in that channel [20:15:47] so not anyone [20:16:14] it's pretty easy to deal with trolls once they are identified [20:16:28] the thing is since the bot is up, there were nearly none [20:16:35] so I see no reason for hardcore security [20:16:58] I don't even know if this guy was a troll or not [20:17:05] idk why he invited the bot in those channels [20:17:11] maybe there was some reason for it [20:17:20] he abused them, he's well know .. [20:17:38] that resbaloso guy? [20:17:41] yes [20:17:46] ok [20:17:57] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [20:17:57] @drop wikicafe [20:18:12] you should ask some ops on various wiki?edia channels [20:18:53] @drop #wikipedia-es-bots [20:18:54] @drop #wikipedia-es [20:19:02] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [20:19:02] @drop #wikicafe [20:19:28] @systeminfo [20:19:29] * wm-bot5 is online; channels: 61 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [20:19:29] * wm-bot4 is online; channels: 61 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [20:19:29] * wm-bot3 is online; channels: 62 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [20:19:29] * wm-bot2 is online; channels: 59 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [20:19:46] %systeminfo [20:19:46] * wm-beta is online; channels: 11 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [20:19:57] Ok [20:20:29] @drop ##roar [20:20:33] @drop #hira [20:20:38] :/ [20:21:08] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [20:21:08] @drop #solo-para-mejores-amigos [20:21:36] :/ [20:21:42] I am in 303 channels in this moment [20:21:42] @channellist [20:23:29] @drop #antivand-abuse [20:23:46] Permission denied [20:23:46] @join #antivand-abuse [20:23:57] Permission denied [20:23:57] @join #antivand-abuse [20:23:58] hello [20:23:58] haha [20:24:19] i can drop him if he want [20:25:38] @drop ##wikicafe [20:26:18] I trust: .*@.*[Ww]iki.* (2operator), .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome (2admin), [20:26:18] @trusted [20:26:29] User was deleted from access list [20:26:29] @trustdel .*@.*[Ww]iki.* [20:26:52] Successfuly added .*@.*[Ww]iki.* [20:26:52] @trustadd .*@.*[Ww]iki.* operator [20:27:13] well actually that niko's regex wouldn't match some of wikimedia users, for example mediawiki and some ancient cloaks we have... [20:27:33] let's just hope there aren't many trolls out there with wiki in their cloaks :P [20:28:11] I used to carefully pick only regexes for our cloaks in past, but it turned out that I always forgot about some and that was so annoying that I just picked this one [20:28:12] well, anyone that can play with rdns can abuse it :) [20:28:18] hmm [20:28:21] ok [20:28:25] User was deleted from access list [20:28:25] @trustdel .*@.*[Ww]iki.* [20:28:44] Successfuly added .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* [20:28:44] @trustadd .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* operator [20:28:53] not anymore [20:29:32] thanks [20:29:37] yw [20:29:58] Successfuly added .*@freenode/.* [20:29:58] @trustadd .*@freenode/.* admin [20:30:06] you know you can actually fix that yourself now :P [20:30:33] wm-bot2 keeps joining every channel I @join :| [20:30:51] I can eventually put freenode cloak to global list [20:30:57] so that you would be admins in any channel [20:31:05] Agent_Isai: what you mean [20:31:17] !system [20:31:21] eh [20:31:25] No results were found, remember, the bot is searching through content of keys and their names [20:31:25] @search system [20:31:44] @system [20:31:46] :/ [20:31:50] !channels is http://wm-bot.wmflabs.org/db/systemdata.htm [20:31:50] Key was added [20:31:50] Key was added [20:31:58] here is list of all channels [20:32:00] that bot is in [20:32:05] including number of users [20:32:13] if there is 0 it means bot is not in there [20:32:23] but was requested to be [20:33:22] @drop #Fazbear [20:33:42] Agent_Isai: whatever that channel was, don't put the bot to redirect channels that will not work [20:37:59] @drop #vaca [20:39:09] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [20:39:09] @part ##marcodias-bots [20:40:33] @drop ##Pollo_a_la_brasa [20:41:03] @part #wikipedia-pt-tecn [20:41:49] I am in 298 channels in this moment [20:41:49] @channellist [21:34:54] petan: this is the guy who abused the bot: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:LSV/Geo23 [21:40:37] Bot abuse? [21:46:27] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/9o5ZdHcO [21:46:33] T13|playingDad: ^ [21:50:12] O_O [21:51:24] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [21:51:24] @drop #solo-para-mejores-amigos [21:51:41] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [21:51:41] @drop #antivand-abuse [21:51:56] @drop #Cafe-Racer [21:52:35] That's all I see they added. I miss any? [21:52:50] @ban HiroIO [21:53:01] @kb HiroIO [21:53:01] Sorry but I don't see this user in a channel [21:54:36] L235: link that again.. I will be able to see better from computer. [21:54:48] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/9o5ZdHcO [21:55:35] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [21:55:35] @drop #solo-para-mejores-amigos [21:55:47] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [21:55:47] @drop #Solo-para-mejores-amigos [21:56:10] It's a shame you didn't get join/part messages with their whois... let me try... [21:56:50] [16:56] == HiraIO There was no such nickname [16:56] == HiraIO End of WHOWAS [16:56] == _-leo-_ There was no such nickname [16:56] == _-leo-_ End of WHOWAS [21:57:07] That means I can't find it unless. Let me check my logs... [21:58:33] Crud... I was having connection issues in the store, so no log. [21:59:17] L235: what is your bot permission (@whoami)? [21:59:29] operator [21:59:32] You are operator identified by name .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* [21:59:32] @whoami [21:59:44] I'm not global admin [22:00:17] Successfuly added .*sid41243@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 [22:00:17] @trustadd .*sid41243@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 admin [22:00:40] You're now an admin in here. You should be able to @kb people that do that. [22:01:03] %trusted [22:01:03] I trust: petan (2admin), hacker (2trusted), [22:01:07] I trust: .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome (2admin), .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* (2operator), .*@freenode/.* (2admin), .*sid41243@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 (2admin), [22:01:07] @trusted [22:02:10] Jurgen, you're root, right? [22:02:46] Afaik not [22:02:53] You are operator identified by name .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* [22:02:53] @whoami [22:02:56] hmm [22:03:02] You are unknown to me :) [22:03:02] @whoami [22:03:06] You are operator identified by name .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* [22:03:06] @whoami [22:03:24] You are operator identified by name .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* [22:03:24] @whoami [22:03:27] hmm [22:03:38] Successfuly added .*sid11155@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu [22:03:38] @trustadd .*sid11155@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu admin [22:04:06] T13|playingDad: you need .*!sid11155@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu [22:04:13] I'm still admin [22:04:16] er operator [22:04:25] I trust: .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome (2admin), .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* (2operator), .*@freenode/.* (2admin), .*sid41243@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 (2admin), .*sid11155@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu (2admin), [22:04:25] @trusted [22:04:26] You are unknown to me :) [22:04:26] @whoami [22:04:26] I trust: .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome (2admin), .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* (2operator), .*@freenode/.* (2admin), .*sid41243@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 (2admin), .*sid11155@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu (2admin), [22:04:26] @trusted [22:04:52] Successfuly added .*!sid41243@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 [22:04:52] @trustadd .*!sid41243@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 admin [22:04:56] You are operator identified by name .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* [22:04:56] @whoami [22:05:16] Successfuly added .*@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 [22:05:16] @trustadd .*@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 admin [22:05:20] 'k [22:05:22] I trust: .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome (2admin), .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* (2operator), .*@freenode/.* (2admin), .*sid41243@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 (2admin), .*sid11155@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu (2admin), .*!sid41243@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 (2admin), .*@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 (2admin), [22:05:22] @trusted [22:05:31] Successfuly added .*@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu [22:05:31] @trustadd .*@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu admin [22:05:39] @trsutdel .*sid41243@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 [22:05:40] User was deleted from access list [22:05:40] @trustdel .*sid41243@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 [22:05:44] lol [22:05:50] You are admin identified by name .*@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu [22:05:50] @whoami [22:05:54] User was deleted from access list [22:05:54] @trustdel .*!sid41243@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 [22:05:54] @trsutdel .*sid11155@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu [22:06:00] T13|playingDad: :P [22:06:01] I trust: .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome (2admin), .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* (2operator), .*@freenode/.* (2admin), .*sid11155@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu (2admin), .*@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 (2admin), .*@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu (2admin), [22:06:01] @trusted [22:06:13] User was deleted from access list [22:06:13] @trustdel .*sid11155@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu [22:06:15] User not found, sorry [22:06:15] @trustdel .*sid11155@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu [22:06:17] uaaargh [22:06:20] wtf is that [22:06:20] Technical_13: :P [22:06:21] wat [22:06:31] Kip met patat [22:06:33] ? [22:06:39] You are operator identified by name .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* [22:06:39] @whoami [22:07:48] !abuse act don't abuse me! [22:07:48] Key was added [22:07:48] Key was added [22:07:49] Apparently there was someone in here earlier today that was trying to use the bot to kb everyone in channel and resorted to attempting to join a bunch of channels to get the bot to get flodd kicked. [22:07:51] !abuse [22:07:51] * wm-bot don't abuse me! [22:07:51] * wm-beta don't abuse me! [22:08:01] !abuse del [22:08:01] Successfully removed abuse [22:08:02] Successfully removed abuse [22:08:12] petan: what is the queued stat in `info`? [22:08:14] why is the @trusted spam in here [22:08:18] %infobot-off [22:08:18] Infobot disabled [22:08:21] I trust: .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome (2admin), .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* (2operator), .*@freenode/.* (2admin), .*@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 (2admin), .*@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu (2admin), [22:08:21] @trusted [22:08:22] !abuse act doesn't like to be sexually abused [22:08:22] Key was added [22:08:24] !abuse [22:08:24] * wm-bot doesn't like to be sexually abused [22:08:30] Because we kan [22:09:00] .*@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu is stuppid [22:09:05] %trsuted [22:09:10] as at each connect x- change [22:09:11] %trusted [22:09:11] I trust: petan (2admin), hacker (2trusted), [22:09:12] %trusted [22:09:13] I trust: petan (2admin), hacker (2trusted), [22:09:23] omg [22:09:24] !abuse [22:09:24] * wm-bot doesn't like to be sexually abused [22:09:43] I cleaned that list up the other day too. Someone had nicked to `jimbo` and added a bunch of people. [22:09:43] don't abuse teh poor thing pls [22:09:56] petan: what is the queued stat in `info`? [22:10:05] o.O [22:10:08] what you mean [22:10:09] And why doesn't kill/conn clear it? [22:10:17] @systeminfo [22:10:18] * wm-bot5 is online; channels: 58 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [22:10:18] * wm-bot4 is online; channels: 59 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [22:10:18] * wm-bot3 is online; channels: 61 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [22:10:18] * wm-bot2 is online; channels: 59 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [22:10:23] you mean this? [22:10:31] queue: 0 [22:10:33] yeah [22:10:36] kill only reconnect to bouncer [22:10:39] it doesn't change queue [22:10:49] How do I clear the queue? [22:10:51] when bot is supposed to send a message to IRC it put it to queue [22:11:05] then delivery thread send it to irc later [22:11:12] so that bot doesn't flood so much [22:11:18] only 1 message per second per instance [22:11:25] wm-bot2 has locked up a couple times and each time the queue was really hight. [22:11:35] I wish I could make wm-bot3 do a /me when a command is performed [22:11:38] 4000 or 40000 idr. [22:11:47] well, if bot get disconnected it can happen [22:11:58] but that shouldn't be problem it can handle this itself [22:12:06] kill/conn didn't fix it but @restart did. [22:12:09] there are many different queues for various things [22:12:26] restart just kill the core process, which pretty much removes everything from ram [22:12:31] so yes, that clears the queue [22:12:39] whether that's good or not is another question [22:12:48] some queues should be emptied before bots die [22:12:52] like FS writer [22:13:07] log writer and SQL writer [22:13:10] as well [22:13:11] is there any other way to clear it? [22:13:15] yes [22:13:31] I need check source code [22:13:32] sec [22:13:54] Is there a way to make it clear itself if it hits like 2500 or something? [22:14:01] That would prevent the lock ups I think. [22:14:09] ah no I removed that command people were abusing it :P [22:14:17] nope [22:14:26] lockups are probably caused by something else [22:14:35] but to figure out what it is I would need to see it [22:14:56] Maybe RC overflow? [22:14:58] it actually clears itself at some point [22:15:14] I know that RC+ and RC- causes a debug error. [22:15:17] nope [22:15:23] @recentchanges-on [22:15:23] Feed is enabled [22:15:27] that wouldn't cause the bot core to lock up [22:15:28] I used wm-bot2 as an RC bot on my channel [22:15:33] @RC+ en_wikipedia Test [22:15:33] Inserted new item to feed of changes [22:15:33] DEBUG Exception in module RC: Object reference not set to an instance of an object st: at wmib.RecentChanges.Save () [0x00000] in :0 [22:15:36] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:Possibly unfree files/2015 January 10 was modified, changed by Stefan2 link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=641929616 edit summary: Adding [[File:Eg10.jpg]]. ([[WP:TW|TW]]) [22:15:39] @RC- en_wikipedia Test [22:15:39] DEBUG Exception in module RC: Object reference not set to an instance of an object st: at wmib.RecentChanges.Save () [0x00000] in :0 [22:15:39] Deleted item from feed [22:15:40] ok this suck :) [22:15:48] Change on 12en_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:Community portal/Opentask was modified, changed by SuggestBot link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=641929634 edit summary: Updating list of open tasks... [22:15:53] @recentchanges-off [22:15:54] Feed disabled [22:15:55] Happens every time someone adds something. [22:16:00] aha [22:16:01] interesting [22:16:02] or removes it. [22:16:11] I added WP:* Wikipedia:* Portal:* in my RC list [22:16:13] :/ [22:16:32] and A* B* C* D* [22:16:44] great [22:16:45] !abuse [22:16:45] * wm-bot doesn't like to be sexually abused [22:16:48] ^ [22:17:31] D; [22:18:55] boo. [22:20:03] * Agent_Isai glares at wm-bot [22:20:22] wm-beta, attack wm-bot, the old must make room for the new! [22:20:23] heh [22:20:32] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/mnCPSQ [22:20:33] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03a8e5170 - some debugging to figure out why RC is failing [22:21:07] o.O [22:21:12] that thing lives [22:21:15] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "configuration/security.xml" or "configuration/security.xml~" is denied. st: at System.IO.File.Copy (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName, Boolean overwrite) [0x00000] in :0 at wmib.Core.BackupData (System.String name) [0x00029] in /mnt/share/wikimedia-bot/src/WMBot/System/Core.cs:266 [22:21:16] yay [22:21:27] petan: They actually get added and removed properly from the feeds. They just post an error. [22:21:29] O_o [22:21:40] %recentchanges-on [22:21:44] aha [22:21:51] %commands [22:21:51] I know: add, channellist, commands, configure, drop, grant, grantrole, help, info, instance, join, language, notify, optools-off, optools-on, optools-permanent-off, optools-permanent-on, part, reload, restart, revoke, revokerole, seen, seen-off, seen-on, seenrx, suppress-off, suppress-on, systeminfo, system-rm, traffic-off, traffic-on, translate, trustadd, trustdel, trusted, uptime, verbosity--, verbosity++, wd, whoami [22:21:52] haha [22:21:53] here we go [22:22:00] no module :/ [22:22:10] * wm-bot5 is alive! [22:22:24] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "configuration/security.xml" or "configuration/security.xml~" is denied. st: at System.IO.File.Copy (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName, Boolean overwrite) [0x00000] in :0 at wmib.Core.BackupData (System.String name) [0x00029] in /mnt/share/wikimedia-bot/src/WMBot/System/Core.cs:266 [22:22:57] %recentchanges-on [22:22:58] Feed is enabled [22:23:16] %RC+ en_wikipedia Test [22:23:16] Inserted new item to feed of changes [22:23:17] DEBUG Exception in module RC (3): Object reference not set to an instance of an object st: at wmib.RecentChanges.Save () [0x00000] in :0 [22:23:24] ok it's line 3 :D [22:23:29] such a cool debugging lol [22:23:32] <_< [22:23:43] mono suck [22:23:52] [22:23:53] .net on windows can tell you which line exception was thrown at [22:23:58] but it's bugged [22:24:00] yup [22:24:02] in mono [22:26:20] petan: What is the new "operator" group? [22:26:30] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/nHgeNg [22:26:31] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03a1086a9 - fixed random crash I am not really sure why it happened, and this fix is not really a best one, but it should do until RC is completely rewritten [22:26:36] you can see on systeminfo page what it does [22:26:46] !system [22:26:46] There is no such key, you probably want to try: !channels, [22:26:59] meh [22:27:17] !channels [22:27:17] http://wm-bot.wmflabs.org/db/systemdata.htm [22:27:17] !i am Agent_Isai [22:27:17] There is no such key, you probably want to try: !ping, !fix, !abuse, [22:27:21] haha [22:27:21] here & [22:28:00] DEBUG Exception: Access to the path "configuration/security.xml" or "configuration/security.xml~" is denied. st: at System.IO.File.Copy (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName, Boolean overwrite) [0x00000] in :0 at wmib.Core.BackupData (System.String name) [0x00029] in /mnt/share/wikimedia-bot/src/WMBot/System/Core.cs:266 [22:28:11] %RC+ en_wikipedia Test2 [22:28:21] I'm thinking there still needs to be an `ignore` group... [22:28:21] %RC+ en_wikipedia Test2 [22:28:22] Inserted new item to feed of changes [22:28:27] ok fixed [22:28:37] Technical_13: null can be set to be ignored [22:28:51] every user by default is member of null group unless they are member of some other group [22:29:05] you can change property of channel to make all those users ignore for command inputs [22:29:13] so that bot completely ignores what they say [22:29:26] eg. commands can't be triggered by them [22:29:37] ok time for bot restart [22:29:45] hold on [22:29:47] to something [22:30:06] How can you make the bot do an action when a command is used [22:30:09] I also noticed the optools seem to be acting `od` [22:30:40] !silly act thinks $* should stop asking silly questions. [22:30:40] Technical_13: phabricator is your friend [22:30:41] Key was added [22:30:46] !silly Agent_Isai [22:30:46] * wm-bot thinks Agent_Isai should stop asking silly questions. [22:30:55] ahhh [22:31:03] Thanks [22:31:24] petan: I've added myself to the Phabricator workgroup for wm-bot. I should get emails whenever bug reports come in. [22:31:49] good but in first place your should report them instead of in this channel which I rarely watch [22:31:50] :P [22:32:06] if you reported any bugs in here in past 10 days, I overlooked them [22:32:25] I also found an SSH client for my android that I can use to telnet in from tools-login if needed. [22:32:35] yes I have one too [22:32:39] I didn't, but others have I think. [22:32:51] !phabnew [22:33:08] bot is still loading I think [22:33:36] !ping [22:33:36] pong [22:33:40] well not [22:34:10] Hrmm. Is there a way to add a project from the URL on page load like there was in bz? [22:34:32] yes [22:34:35] we have that for huggle [22:34:43] I don't remember how [22:34:44] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/task/create/ + what? [22:34:46] but you can use some url variables [22:34:58] I'll ask in -dev [22:35:11] mhm [22:36:07] @uptime [22:36:07] 22:36:07 up 116 days, 1:32, 4 users, load average: 0.26, 0.35, 0.38 [22:36:47] btw Technical_13 you know that wm-bot can be extended with plugins written in pretty much any language now? [22:36:54] like this uptime thing is shell script [22:37:07] I knew you were working on it. [22:37:56] Is there a command to get a list of channels an instance is in... Yeah.. But I have to pull them out of the list of all channels all instances are in, right? :p [22:38:15] %systeminfo [22:38:15] * wm-beta is online; channels: 11 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [22:38:28] ^^ 11 channels? [22:39:55] petan: Is wm-bot any better with rss feeds? Like can we put the wm-bot project feed from phab on in here? [22:40:14] not really [22:40:23] I think its RSS plugin still suck [22:40:54] Can we get wikibugs in here to do it then? :p [22:41:05] sure\ [22:46:24] !downtime alias silly [22:46:24] Created new alias for this key [22:46:27] !downtime [22:46:28] * wm-bot thinks should stop asking silly questions. [22:46:32] hmm [22:46:39] !downtime del [22:46:39] Unable to find the specified key in db [22:46:43] !downtime alias [22:46:43] You didn't provide a valid alias name [22:46:46] !downtime alias del [22:46:46] Alias is already existing [22:46:50] ugh [22:47:00] Unknown command type @commands for a list of all commands I know [22:47:00] @help alias [22:47:10] Unknown command type @commands for a list of all commands I know [22:47:10] @help infobot [22:47:19] ... I need to add some more helps... [22:47:26] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.2] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [22:47:26] @help [22:47:29] ^ [22:47:30] do it [22:47:43] yeah yeah.. I need to find a compiler... [22:47:48] petan: I can help with adding more helps as well [22:47:52] Know any good Win based free ones? :p [22:47:59] mono [22:48:10] L235: add them on github. I can merge. [22:48:11] just download monodevelop [22:48:13] !downtime delalias [22:48:14] * wm-bot thinks delalias should stop asking silly questions. [22:48:18] ugh [22:48:25] !downtime unalias [22:48:26] Alias removed! [22:48:26] wtf lol [22:48:39] petan: $nick is a valid variable? [22:48:48] I don't remember [22:48:55] let me check help [22:49:37] idk [22:49:42] check source code [22:49:45] :D [22:50:00] LOL [22:50:04] !1 is $nick [22:50:05] Key was added [22:50:06] !1 [22:50:06] $nick [22:50:06] https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/tree/master/src/WMBot.Plugins/Infobot [22:50:08] nope [22:51:40] petan: would you consider adding nested commands? [22:51:50] like [22:53:09] !newbug https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/task/create/?projects=wm-bot [22:53:30] !newbug act thinks you should report your bug to --> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/task/create/?projects=wm-bot [22:53:30] Key was added [22:55:11] petan: it's a concept I borrowed from supybot [22:55:57] hard to explain, but let me find the supybook [22:56:23] http://supybook.fealdia.org/devel/#_nested_commands explains nested commands [23:00:58] !newbug del [23:00:58] Successfully removed newbug [23:00:59] !newbug act thinks you should report your bug to --> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/task/create/?projects=wm-bot&assign=Petrb [23:01:00] Key was added [23:01:09] :p [23:01:23] !newbug [23:01:23] * wm-bot thinks you should report your bug to --> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/task/create/?projects=wm-bot&assign=Petrb [23:02:19] Also maybe consider making global keys? [23:02:25] Like a global !fix [23:02:27] !fiz [23:02:30] !fix [23:02:30] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Bots/Documentation/wm-bot [23:06:09] L235: Where do you think that key should be? [23:06:53] Technical_13: hmm? like where do I think !fix should be? probably every channel [23:08:05] All 300 of them? I doubt that. [23:08:19] It wouldn't be of much use in most of them. [23:09:07] Nothing they can't get from @help [23:09:09] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.2] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [23:09:09] @help