[15:28:16] %seen-host gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. [15:28:30] No beta bot :( [15:33:58] Jurgen|Cloud: I can't restart beta [15:34:01] But... [15:35:01] @seen-host gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. [15:35:01] T13|detached: Last time I saw dsds they were changing the nickname to , but is no longer in channel #wikimedia-tech at 1/7/2015 4:31:19 PM (23d23h3m42s ago) [15:35:12] Jurgen|Cloud: ^^^ [15:35:51] * Jurgen|Cloud notes: unignore wm-bot to see its messages [15:39:29] :) [17:02:49] hello :) [17:03:06] Permission denied [17:03:06] @add ##Canaima-VIP [17:04:30] Hello as I make a bot to my channel between ## Canaima-VIP? [17:05:04] Type @whoami [17:05:33] You are unknown to me :) [17:05:33] @whoami [17:05:49] ?? [17:05:52] What is ##Canaima-VIP ? [17:06:03] Is it invite only? [17:06:40] 13|detached Venezuela is a site for canaimeros [17:07:40] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.2] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [17:07:40] @help [17:07:46] :-( [17:08:52] You are unknown to me :) [17:08:52] @whoami Freuddy [17:08:56] You're welcome to fork the bot and run your own instance. [17:08:56] :-( [17:09:54] wm-bot is for wikimedia channels. You can make your own fork for whatever you like though. :) [17:10:37] T13|detached okey bye forgive if I did something wrong [17:11:51] Nothing wrong. [17:11:54] :) [17:12:46] okey but just sorry if I interrupt :) [18:52:30] @channels [18:52:39] I am in 297 channels in this moment [18:52:39] @channellist [18:52:51] I know: add, channel-info, channellist, commands, configure, drop, grant, grantrole, help, info, instance, join, language, notify, optools-off, optools-on, optools-permanent-off, optools-permanent-on, part, rc-ping, reauth, reload, restart, revoke, revokerole, seen, seen-host, seen-off, seen-on, seenrx, suppress-off, suppress-on, systeminfo, system-rm, traffic-off, traffic-on, translate, trustadd, trustdel, trusted, uptime, verbosity--, verbosity++, wd, whoami [18:52:51] @commands [18:53:30] !db [18:53:30] There is no such key, you probably want to try: !channels, [18:53:35] !channels [18:53:35] http://wm-bot.wmflabs.org/db/systemdata.htm [18:53:57] !db alias channels [18:53:57] Created new alias for this key [18:54:00] !db alias channels [18:54:01] Alias is already existing [18:54:05] :p [18:54:58] !db [18:54:58] http://wm-bot.wmflabs.org/db/systemdata.htm [18:55:24] hmm [18:55:27] @grant [18:55:51] Unknown command type @commands for a list of all commands I know [18:55:51] @help grant [18:56:01] Needs help unfo [18:56:12] !help [18:56:40] @grantrole [18:56:47] Unknown command type @commands for a list of all commands I know [18:56:47] @help grantrole [18:56:54] Successfuly granted role admin to #wm-bot.L235 [18:56:54] @grantrole L235 admin [18:56:59] oooOOOOooo [18:57:22] Successfuly revoked roleadmin to #wm-bot.L235 [18:57:22] @revokerole L235 admin [18:57:40] T13|detached: explain? [18:57:46] !help is http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wm-bot#.40$wiki_encoded_* [18:57:47] Key was added [18:57:56] !help grant [18:57:56] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wm-bot#.40grant [18:58:09] not on there [18:58:31] You are admin identified by name .*@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 [18:58:31] @whoami [18:59:01] @role L235 [18:59:07] Invalid number of parameters [18:59:07] @grant L235 [18:59:12] Successfuly granted test to #wm-bot.L235 [18:59:12] @grant L235 test [18:59:30] Invalid number of parameters [18:59:30] @revoke L235 [18:59:34] Successfuly revoked test from #wm-bot.L235 [18:59:34] @revoke L235 test [19:00:43] seen-host needs to be added to doc too. [19:01:16] !help whoami [19:01:16] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wm-bot#.40whoami [19:03:21] @relay-on [19:03:21] Relay is already enabled [19:03:32] hello world [19:03:44] yes! [19:04:38] L235 is awesome [19:05:26] @token-on [19:05:27] New token was generated for this channel, and it was sent to you in a private message [19:05:48] L235 is still awesome [19:06:05] yes! works! [19:06:11] @token-off [19:06:11] This channel will no longer require a token in order to relay messages into it [19:06:17] what is a token [19:06:19] @token-on [19:06:19] Permission denied [19:06:24] :( [19:07:23] Jurgen|Cloud: it's a string that needs to be passed in a relay from a program on wikimedia labs for the message to be relayed to the channel [19:08:21] for example, sign on to wikimedia tool labs and enter: echo "#wm-bot L235 is not awesome" | nc wm-bot.eqiad.wmflabs 64834 -w0 [19:09:48] ... [19:10:17] Hi T13 [19:11:44] L235, T13 can do it without a token... [19:12:03] That's because I set token off [19:12:11] @token-on [19:12:11] New token was generated for this channel, and it was sent to you in a private message [19:12:27] :P [19:12:34] L235, T13 can also pick which bot he wants to send it. [19:12:56] DO starts to glare at T13 [19:13:11] dang it [19:13:41] !fix [19:13:41] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Bots/Documentation/wm-bot [19:14:16] ^AACTION doesn't think that is a good idea.^A [19:14:31] :P [19:15:01] Worth a shot. I can makw it do it... I have to c&p the righ ctrl a command code though.. [19:15:12] @token-off [19:15:25] right [19:15:35] test [19:15:42] @token-off [19:15:43] This channel will no longer require a token in order to relay messages into it [19:15:55] so the bot is not an admin of itself? [19:16:34] ZTUYUEVZDMRKJHTYIEJDSGMBWZIBXSOPHNUMEFLA test [19:18:30] Grr [19:18:38] Labs is blah [19:19:03] @labs-info [19:20:10] @labs-user technical-13 [19:20:10] That user is not a member of any project [19:20:51] * wm-bot4 thinks L235 is lame. [19:21:29] ACTION does too [19:21:54] L235 knows. [19:22:27] I can only imagine what it looks like from that side of the bouncer ;) [19:25:12] I just lied. [19:25:58] yeah, I did. [19:27:43] I think T13 and L235 are having too much fun ;) [19:33:42] T13|detached: could you give admin access to .*@wikimedia-commons/JurgenNL in ##achterkamertje? I forget to add it when requesting my cloak [19:36:56] Jurgen|Cloud: invite [19:40:11] @systeminfo [19:40:11] * wm-bot3 is online; channels: 59 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [19:40:12] * wm-bot2 is online; channels: 58 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [19:40:12] * wm-bot5 is online; channels: 59 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [19:40:12] * wm-bot4 is online; channels: 59 connected: True working: True queue: 1 [19:58:29] Freuddy [19:58:33] por acá viene la cosa [19:58:41] quisiste que entre a ##canaima-VIP [19:58:47] no [19:58:54] Bueh [19:59:03] I trust: .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome (2admin), .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* (2operator), .*@freenode/.* (2admin), .*@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 (2admin), .*@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu (2admin), .*@unaffiliated/-leo-/.* (2null), [19:59:03] @trusted [19:59:09] Permission denied [19:59:09] @join ##cafeteria [20:00:38] @translate en es Permission denied [20:00:40] Translating from en to es: Permiso denegado (powered by Yandex) [20:01:26] I know, t13|mobile [20:01:36] Only explaining Freuddy [20:01:45] :) [20:01:46] How he joined wmbot? [20:02:19] Anyone can join this channel. [20:03:05] l235, stop joining my channels. [20:03:18] Only MediaWiki people can have wm-bot join their channel unless they fork and host their own copy. [20:03:33] Yes [20:04:16] Pacanguilla: generally, the way to do that is to ban someone. I am under no obligation to check every channel I join to make sure it's not yours. [20:05:05] T13|detached: mediawiki people? who qualifies as a mediawiki person? [20:05:18] I trust: .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome (2admin), .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* (2operator), .*@freenode/.* (2admin), .*@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 (2admin), .*@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu (2admin), .*@unaffiliated/-leo-/.* (2null), [20:05:18] @trusted [20:05:38] ^^^ admins [20:05:52] Yes, I know [20:05:59] ^^ operators [20:06:06] why my jokerman leo is null? [20:06:23] We requested the bot to join our channels [20:06:49] hey T13|detached, mind if I PM you? [20:07:16] L235 yes [20:07:29] t13, mind a pm? [20:07:35] wait, so you mind? as in I shouldn't PM you? [20:07:42] sorry, seeking clarification [20:07:56] L235 is corrupt, t13 [20:08:03] I've seen [20:08:08] what? [20:10:22] @kb *@ [20:10:23] Sorry but I don't see this user in a channel [20:10:34] @kb .*@ [20:10:35] Sorry but I don't see this user in a channel [20:10:45] Annoying [20:10:50] Don't ban me t13 [20:10:52] just use the nick :p [20:10:56] I need to get that fixed [20:11:04] @kb Pacanguilla [20:11:04] (and wm-bot hasn't +o) [20:11:06] Jurgen|Cloud is the son of a pig [20:11:16] So t13 [20:11:18] ignore him [20:11:35] T13|detached: assign wm-bot +o? [20:11:52] It has +o last I knew. [20:12:01] 21:10:54 3 wm-bot +V [modified 1y 2w 0d ago] [20:12:04] 3 wm-bot +V [modified 1y 2w 0d ago] [20:12:07] Idiots, stop banning me [20:12:24] Jurgen has a cloak wm-commons [20:12:34] It's abuse [20:12:40] your mom is abuse [20:12:48] Jurgen|Cloud: WP:DENY [20:12:52] -18ChanServ- Entry Nickname/Host Flags [20:12:52] -18ChanServ- ----- ---------------------- ----- [20:12:52] -18ChanServ- 1 petan +AFRefiorstv [modified 3y 6w 4d ago] [20:12:52] -18ChanServ- 2 JoeGazz84 +Aefiorstv [modified 3y 6w 4d ago] [20:12:52] -18ChanServ- 3 wm-bot +V [modified 1y 2w 0d ago] [20:12:52] -18ChanServ- 4 Technical_13 +Aefiorstv [modified 1y 26w 1d ago] [20:12:54] -18ChanServ- ----- ---------------------- ----- [20:12:56] -18ChanServ- End of #wm-bot FLAGS listing. [20:13:05] sorry L235 [20:13:08] * L235 looks at T13|detached [20:13:13] @kb Pacanguilla [20:13:22] thanks [20:13:55] Oh... did I do that? [20:14:07] well, you set +o on wm-bot [20:14:13] Do dee do dah... [20:14:32] Test [20:14:48] @kick L235 trolls need not apply. [20:14:56] :p [20:15:00] @k T13|detached :) [20:15:05] hmm [20:15:09] @kick Jurgen|Cloud [20:15:09] Permission denied [20:15:09] @kick T13|detached :) [20:15:14] :( [20:15:27] * L235 feels a kban coming ;) [20:15:41] @jb L235 [20:15:41] Permission denied [20:15:43] nah [20:15:56] @optools-on-permanent [20:16:13] Operator tools are now in permanent mode on this channel [20:16:13] @optools-permanent-on [20:16:18] :P [20:17:58] You can't grant or revoke role that is higher than your own role [20:17:58] @trustadd .*@wikimedia-commons/JurgenNL admin [20:18:05] * Jurgen|Cloud slaps wm-bot with a large trout [20:18:39] Successfuly added .*@wikimedia-commons/JurgenNL [20:18:39] @trustadd .*@wikimedia-commons/JurgenNL admin [20:18:45] I think... [20:18:50] * Jurgen|Cloud huggles L235 [20:18:56] Why? [20:19:05] I trust: .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome (2admin), .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* (2operator), .*@freenode/.* (2admin), .*@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 (2admin), .*@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu (2admin), .*@unaffiliated/-leo-/.* (2null), .*@wikimedia-commons/JurgenNL (2admin), [20:19:05] @trusted [20:19:11] T13|detached: why not? it's not like Jurgen|Cloud would abuse it [20:19:16] and .*@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu was me :p [20:19:31] User was deleted from access list [20:19:31] @trustdel .*@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ivmbsuonbeoiggnu [20:19:31] ah, lol [20:19:54] does freenode/petan-is-awesome exist..? [20:20:02] @seen-host freenode/petan-is-awesome [20:20:02] Jurgen|Cloud: I have never seen freenode/petan-is-awesome [20:20:14] nope [20:20:16] User was deleted from access list [20:20:16] @trustdel .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome [20:20:33] * T13|detached has no fear! [20:20:47] * T13|detached hides. [20:20:56] petan isn't awesome anymore [20:21:26] no more petan awesoume? :( [20:23:07] nope xD [20:24:20] * Jurgen|Cloud is going to bed [20:24:25] what [20:24:38] !abuse [20:24:38] * wm-bot doesn't like to be sexually abused [20:24:57] Actually, I do. [20:42:30] ... [22:09:24] k