[03:38:27] Attempting to join #global-rileybot using wm-bot3 [03:38:27] @add #global-rileybot [03:52:08] Is there any way I can track/watch a user instead of just specific pages? [13:05:18] This channel is already in db [13:05:18] @add #wikipedia-zh-com [13:06:06] This channel is already in db [13:06:06] @add #wikipedia-zh-com [13:06:13] james970028: ^ [13:07:27] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-com using wm-bot5 [13:07:27] @add #wikipedia-zh-com [13:08:06] This channel is already in db [13:08:06] @add #wikipedia-zh-com [13:10:58] This channel is already in db [13:10:58] @add #wikipedia-zh-com [13:11:12] This channel is not in db! [13:11:50] @part #wikipedia-zh-com [13:12:30] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-com using wm-bot5 [13:12:30] @add #wikipedia-zh-com [13:14:28] Peace1: if you remove the bot from channel in unsupported way or prevent it from joining (ban etc) it will be in db but not in channel [13:14:33] solution: don't ban the bot [13:14:45] we didn't ban the bot... [13:14:55] we just kicked it [13:15:02] using /kick [13:15:03] using /kick? [13:15:05] or /remove [13:15:10] because it is lagging... [13:15:12] "@kick" [13:15:15] no [13:15:18] //kick is supported /remove is not [13:15:34] maybe its /remove [13:15:47] well that is some freenode's hack, not official IRC command [13:15:55] so how can the problem be solved? [13:16:09] it's still not in there? [13:16:21] yep [13:16:25] yes [13:16:30] still not there [13:16:32] @part #wikipedia-zh-com [13:16:34] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [13:16:34] @part #wikipedia-zh-com [13:16:40] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-com using wm-bot5 [13:16:40] @join #wikipedia-zh-com [13:16:48] @systemstatus [13:16:51] @systeminfo [13:16:51] * wm-bot4 is online; channels: 69 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [13:16:51] * wm-bot3 is online; channels: 70 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [13:16:51] * wm-bot2 is online; channels: 71 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [13:17:00] there is something wrong with wm-bot5 [13:17:09] This channel I never heard of :'( [13:17:09] @instance #wikipedia-zh-com wm-bot2 [13:17:15] these two days it reacts very slowly [13:17:15] i thank so [13:17:29] Changed default instance of #wikipedia-zh-com to wm-bot4 [13:17:29] @instance wm-bot4 #wikipedia-zh-com [13:17:44] here we go [13:17:46] thx [13:17:48] there is some problem with wm-bot5 [13:17:50] such as linkie, it spent the bot for 3 mins [13:17:51] it doesn't respond [13:17:52] idk why [13:18:02] probably labs issues? [13:18:04] @load [13:18:07] @uptime [13:18:08] 13:18:08 up 10 days, 16:49, 0 users, load average: 1.23, 1.19, 1.23 [13:18:13] hmm [13:18:18] it's quite loaded [13:19:16] ok... [13:19:28] there is some weird process running on server loading it up [13:19:35] thank for you help [13:19:50] m-bot5 channels: 68 connected: True working: True queue: 14928 [13:19:52] o.O [13:20:01] 14k messages in queue [13:20:51] System is shutting down, requested by petan from #wm-bot [13:22:02] @systeminfo [13:22:03] * wm-bot4 is online; channels: 70 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [13:22:03] * wm-bot2 is online; channels: 71 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [13:22:03] * wm-bot5 is online; channels: 68 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [13:22:03] * wm-bot3 is online; channels: 70 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [13:25:07] Thanks a lot ^^