[20:14:12] Matthew_: can you op me here for a moment or set +F for a moment? Then I can setup a forward #goat-bot => #wm-bot [20:14:26] in case you op me I can remove it when done [20:41:08] Sagan: ping me as soon as you’re done. [20:42:01] Matthew_: [22:41:37] * Channel #goat-bot Modes: +cfint #wm-bot [20:42:04] that should work [20:42:16] Invite only [20:42:28] yeah, otherwise the redirect will not work [20:42:29] Hold on... [20:42:36] it will redirect only if you can't join the chan [20:43:46] Ok that does work. Yay [20:43:49] :)