[19:07:12] [telegram] From a Dutch newspaper: https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/3a3ecd5a/file_92.jpg [19:09:17] [telegram] python turns 25 years? [19:16:05] [telegram] 😂😂😂 (re @siebrand: ) [19:17:23] [telegram] The article is about Guido van Rossum and python. Any idea what the language in the photo is? (re @Tohaomg: python turns 25 years?) [19:18:08] [telegram] not python? [19:18:14] [telegram] Looks like JavaScript (re @siebrand: The article is about Guido van Rossum and python. Any idea what the language in the photo is?) [19:18:29] [telegram] Sure !python (re @Tohaomg: Looks like JavaScript) [19:18:34] [telegram] Surely !python (re @Tohaomg: Looks like JavaScript) [19:27:17] [telegram] That is JavaScript (re @siebrand: The article is about Guido van Rossum and python. Any idea what the language in the photo is?) [19:30:10] [telegram] From the comment thread on Twitter: https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/8fe69f1a/file_93.jpg