[15:55:03] [telegram] Does anybody here know an alternative to https://tools.wmflabs.org/catscan2/reverse_tree.php ? The tool only gives a fatal error ... 😐 I couldn't find the same option in petscan [16:05:04] [telegram] It's not obvious what it's supposed to do [16:06:09] [telegram] Oh look, yet another broken Magnus tool [16:07:02] [telegram] https://bitbucket.org/magnusmanske/catscan2/issues/20/reverse_treephp-broken filed [16:19:07] [telegram] Thanks. Well, it should display the cat tree of a particular wiki page (not a category). Another tool on German WP was based on this functionality and is giving errors because of it 😐 [17:37:03] [telegram] LIVE NOW: Wikipedia Weekly Network: Live editing Wikidata with @Jan_ainali and User:Abbe98 [17:37:04] [telegram] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAb_AvPRqj4 [17:37:05] [telegram] Please subscribe and like on YouTube!