[13:59:33] [telegram] I dont know who might be intersted, but I am playing some similar stuff the hackathon on my Twitch with some free visuals from the internet archives 🙂 Do tune in :). [14:08:02] [telegram] I dont know who might be intersted, but I am playing some similar stuff the hackathon on my Twitch with some free visuals from the internet archives 🙂 Do tune in at https://www.twitch.tv/tonythomas01 :). [15:22:50] [telegram] If the files are wrong, not just the count, that is something else. (re @Jarek: Something is really out of synch with https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Files_with_PermissionOTRS_template_but_without_P6305_SDC_statement and files I see in the category have little overlap with files I get with SQL query. I am not sure how to fix it, purging and "touching" does not seem to help. Files I can see i