[17:36:57] [telegram] Anyone who has worked with Graph extension here? We are trying to render it on https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%9Eablon:COVID-19_pandemisi_interaktif_haritalar/Per_capita_confirmed_cases but apparently there is no way to debug it. Any restrictions on external data usage? [18:21:53] [telegram] What have you checked so far in your web browser's developer tools to debug it? :) The console and network tab show errors... (re @Yetkin: Anyone who has worked with Graph extension here? We are trying to render it on https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%9Eablon:COVID-19_pandemisi_interaktif_haritalar/Per_capita_confirmed_cases but apparently there is no way to debug it. Any restrictions on external data usage?) [18:26:22] [telegram] T145944 sounds a bit similar [18:26:23] T145944: Error: URL hostname is not whitelisted: wikiraw:///Fertility-csv - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T145944 [19:16:51] [telegram] Thanks, we were missing the file "UN 2019 Population by country-csv". All sorted now 😊 (re @andreklapper: What have you checked so far in your web browser's developer tools to debug it? :) The console and network tab show errors...)