[19:53:18] [telegram] Couldn't get an answer on #pywikibot IRC, trying here: [19:53:19] [telegram] I'm trying to run movepages on meta.wikimedia.org. In user-config.py I have family = 'meta', mylang = 'meta', and usernames['meta']['meta'] = 'Amire80'. I also have ('meta', 'meta', 'Amire80', BotPassword('bot-name', 'secret')) in user-password.py. But when I actually run python3 pwb.py movepages, I get "WARNING: No user is logged in on site meta:meta". What am I doing incorrectly? [19:56:21] [telegram] What does login.py give as output? python3 pwb.py login.py -lang:meta -family:meta [19:58:52] [telegram] And is it intentional that you want to run a bot under your main account? (re @amire80: Couldn't get an answer on #pywikibot IRC, trying here: [19:58:52] [telegram] I'm trying to run movepages on meta.wikimedia.org. In user-config.py I have family = 'meta', mylang = 'meta', and usernames['meta']['meta'] = 'Amire80'. I also have ('meta', 'meta', 'Amire80', BotPassword('bot-name', 'secret')) in user-password.py. But when I actually run python3 pwb.py movepages, I get "WARNING: No user is logged in on site meta:meta". What am I doing incorrectly?) [20:01:37] [telegram] Yes. My batches of bot editing are very small and mostly interactive, and it's better that I do them from the usual account. (re @MaartenDammers: And is it intentional that you want to run a bot under your main account?) [20:02:22] [telegram] This appears to log me in correctly, and if I run movepages after it, it works as expected. (re @MaartenDammers: What does login.py give as output? python3 pwb.py login.py -lang:meta -family:meta) [20:03:09] [telegram] Weird, I would have expected login to be automatic [20:03:10] [telegram] Doesn't movepages log me in automatically? I'm pretty sure that replace.py and cosmetic_changes.py do. [20:04:23] [telegram] 🤷‍♂️ [20:05:17] [telegram] I don't think so. Last time I ran it, i think I launch login.py first (re @amire80: Doesn't movepages log me in automatically? I'm pretty sure that replace.py and cosmetic_changes.py do.) [20:05:40] [telegram] Sounds like a regression [20:06:29] [telegram] In any case, thanks @MaartenDammers :)