[07:45:05] [telegram] I guess it's a copy of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:Infobox_multi-lingual_name but there is not even a documentation page there. What's your goal, what is the module used for in its original intent, and in your specific case? (re @Yetkin: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mod%C3%BCl:Infobox_multi-lingual_name) [15:09:10] [telegram] Our goal is to make "infobox Chinese" work [15:09:12] [telegram] https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%9Eablon:%C3%87ince_bilgi_kutusu (re @psychoslave: I guess it's a copy of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:Infobox_multi-lingual_name but there is not even a documentation page there. What's your goal, what is the module used for in its original intent, and in your specific case?) [15:09:49] [telegram] I am still looking for a solution. Thanks (re @psychoslave: Add memory. 😋) [15:11:59] [telegram] Ok. Have tried to contact people that were involved in the original template/module creation? Like on the talk page, or looking in the history to contact someone? [15:15:48] [telegram] If you didn't change the module, but just copied it as is, and that the original do work, a site parameter pertaining to memory size limit might well be the difference. [15:29:07] [telegram] What do you recommend for actually "debugging" this module? Any tools? [15:49:29] [telegram] https://www.tutorialspoint.com/lua/lua_debugging.htm ???