[00:01:51] [telegram] You're welcome. What was the problem origin and how did you solved it? :) (re @Yetkin: Problem fixed. Thanks for your interest.) [11:29:42] [telegram] The subpage where the module tries to load data from had the wrong content (data + some Lua code). In fact, the Lua module should expose some other error message instead of trying to "load" and eventually failing with a memory limitation. loadData method needs to be fixed here, I think. (re @psychoslave: You're welcome. What was the problem origin and how did you solved it? :)) [19:54:28] [telegram] Good to know. Seems to be a pertaining feedback to improve the module development experience. Did you fill a phabricator task on this? [20:01:56] [telegram] No, I didn't [20:25:05] [telegram] Would you like help to do it?