[13:32:59] [telegram] Why does Wikipedia retain mobile version links even on desktops? the links have a hardcoded 'm.' in front of the address and they always point to the mobile version, even when they are later opened on desktops. It's the only website that I have experienced being so inflexible and unintelligent with platform detection [13:35:24] [telegram] Good question, with no good answer. (re @MavropaliasG: Why does Wikipedia retain mobile version links even on desktops? the links have a hardcoded 'm.' in front of the address and they always point to the mobile version, even when they are later opened on desktops. It's the only website that I have experienced being so inflexible and unintelligent with platform detection) [13:35:51] [telegram] i've wondered (and asked) the same myself countless times, apparently the answer is "because some people prefer the mobile site on desktop" [13:36:35] [telegram] ah they typical 'it's not a bug it's a feature' fallacy [13:36:40] [telegram] ah the typical 'it's not a bug it's a feature' fallacy [13:36:45] [telegram] I mean, in that case I would just use Minerva as my standard skin 🤷‍♂️ (re @jhsoby: i've wondered (and asked) the same myself countless times, apparently the answer is "because some people prefer the mobile site on desktop") [13:36:47] [telegram] There is this extension for Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/nb-NO/firefox/addon/skip-mobile-wikipedia/ [13:37:11] [telegram] and this for chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mobile2desktop-wikipedia/hgdfjjhaahfdggnecdecjekkimepkpaf [13:38:05] [telegram] I assume the answer is because it was the best/recommended practice in [whatever year MobileFrontend was introduced], and nobody’s changed it since then [13:38:14] [telegram] it's crazy that people have to go all the way to develop browser-specific extensions to circumvent this archaic ideology [13:38:19] [telegram] at least I seem to remember many other websites having mobile subdomains as well ~10 years ago or so [13:42:26] [telegram] I'm amused that for once I'm not at all bothered by something that bothers other people :P [13:43:09] [telegram] I kinda have the opposite problem, it keeps opening pages on my phone on the mobile site and I have to constantly switch back to the desktop one to do anything [13:45:48] [telegram] whereas when I'm opening links on the desktop, it's usually something where I only want to read the article (and not, say, navigate to categories or talk pages or any of the other things I can't do from the mobile one) [13:50:42] [telegram] A different question: How come importScript() in JS is deprecated (and gives an annoying warning on mobile) instead of being made an alias for mw.loader.load() ? [15:01:53] [telegram] I remember we briefly discussed the difference between the two on dewiki some time ago; it seems like the latter is loaded also on mobile, while the former isn’t (which is why some older user scripts only showed effect on desktop). It would indeed seem better to have both functions work exactly the same way … (re @jhsoby: A different question: How come importScript() in JS is deprecated (and gives an annoying warning on m [15:42:41] [telegram] Hello i want to create a page can anyone help me plEASE [16:16:08] [telegram] anyone there.? [16:17:52] [telegram] Hi, Which page? Please provide sufficient information please. (re @Heamanthnani: Hello i want to create a page can anyone help me plEASE) [16:18:05] [telegram] LetsUpgrade [16:18:57] [telegram] it's an organisation where it gives free technology courses to all the students with certificates [16:45:32] [telegram] .? [16:45:44] [telegram] can you help me create a page for it (re @Gopa_Vasanth: Hi, Which page? Please provide sufficient information please.) [16:46:27] [telegram] On which platform? Do you have your own wiki set up? (re @Heamanthnani: Hello i want to create a page can anyone help me plEASE) [16:47:08] [telegram] no i am new to wikipedia [16:47:21] [telegram] and i want some guidance for creating a page [16:47:44] [telegram] Are you looking for this? [16:47:45] [telegram] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:How_to_create_a_page [16:47:57] [telegram] Oh, then it might be good to know that you have accidentally ended up in a developer group. (re @Heamanthnani: no i am new to wikipedia) [16:51:15] [telegram] haha ok so what happens in this group.? (re @Jan_ainali: Oh, then it might be good to know that you have accidentally ended up in a developer group.) [16:52:29] [telegram] The topic is mostly how to improve https://www.mediawiki.org/ in various ways (with focus on what's needed for the Wikimedia movement) (re @Heamanthnani: haha ok so what happens in this group.?) [16:52:39] [telegram] ok [17:09:33] [telegram] Oh nice (re @jhsoby: There is this extension for Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/nb-NO/firefox/addon/skip-mobile-wikipedia/) [17:10:27] [telegram] Yeah separate pda versions (re @lucaswerkmeister: at least I seem to remember many other websites having mobile subdomains as well ~10 years ago or so) [17:10:46] [telegram] Yes! (re @Nikki: I kinda have the opposite problem, it keeps opening pages on my phone on the mobile site and I have to constantly switch back to the desktop one to do anything) [23:45:53] [telegram] What are the best practices for MediaWiki:Common.css vs. TemplateStyles when it comes to styles for templates that are used very often? [23:45:54] [telegram] Asking because I'm considering whether to put the styles for navbox in templatestyles or keep them in Common.css on the Norwegian Bokmål Wikipedia. The main navbox template is used on 334,118 pages – for comparison, we have 550,000 articles. So is it a bad idea to move the styles for it to templatestyles? Could it negatively impact parsing/loading times, etc?