[15:37:16] [telegram] What is the best FLOSS option for a plagiarism checker? [15:53:25] [telegram] No idea, but I'm interested to know more on the context of the demand [16:24:27] [telegram] you mean something like https://tools.wmflabs.org/copyvios/ ? (re @ramzymuliawan: What is the best FLOSS option for a plagiarism checker?) [16:25:31] [telegram] Yeah, that's one option, but then I realized it also relies on Turnitin (which is not FLOSS) (re @edoderoo: you mean something like https://tools.wmflabs.org/copyvios/ ?) [16:26:26] [telegram] I have no idea what FLOSS means. [16:27:13] [telegram] [[Free and open-source software]] (re @edoderoo: I have no idea what FLOSS means.) [16:32:41] [telegram] [[en:FLOSS]] 😊 [16:34:42] [telegram] I was reading the [[meta:WikiJournal]] proposal and it struck to me that for the project to be feasible, a FLOSS plagiarism checker would need to exist first... but I couldn't think of a good example. Seems like the proposer already recognized this need. (re @psychoslave: No idea, but I'm interested to know more on the context of the demand) [16:35:05] [telegram] I was reading the [[meta:WikiJournal]] proposal and it struck me that for the project could be feasible, a FLOSS plagiarism checker would need to exist first... but I couldn't think of a good example. Seems like the proposer already recognized this need (re @psychoslave: No idea, but I'm interested to know more on the context of the demand) [16:37:46] [telegram] I was reading the [[meta:WikiJournal]] proposal and it struck me that for the project to be feasible, a FLOSS plagiarism checker would need to exist first... but I couldn't think of a good example. Seems like the proposer already recognized this need (re @psychoslave: No idea, but I'm interested to know more on the context of the demand) [16:39:44] [telegram] Why? It's not a project aimed at software, is it? (re @ramzymuliawan: I was reading the [[meta:WikiJournal]] proposal and it struck me that for the project to be feasible, a FLOSS plagiarism checker would need to exist first... but I couldn't think of a good example. Seems like the proposer already recognized this need) [16:41:54] [telegram] No it's not, but the existence of one would greatly benefit the project in a long-run and ensured its sustainability.