[10:15:42] [telegram] @amire80 [10:15:52] [telegram] Help please [10:16:03] [telegram] Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties. [10:16:05] [telegram] Try waiting a few minutes and reloading. [10:16:06] [telegram] (Cannot access the database) [10:16:31] [telegram] I'm use global block extension [10:22:09] [telegram] Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties. [10:22:09] [telegram] Try waiting a few minutes and reloading. [10:22:11] [telegram] (Cannot access the database: Cannot access the database: Access denied for user 'skhsblsb_mw28843'@'localhost' to database 'globalblocking' (localhost)) [10:22:20] [telegram] Anyone help please [10:23:18] [telegram] Sorry, I don't know. Maybe someone else can help. [10:23:55] [telegram] The message seems quite obvious: The database is missing. So I guess you forgot running some script to create the database [10:23:59] [telegram] @Kshovo I've never used this before, but did you follow all the installation instructions in https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:GlobalBlocking ? specifically about creating the globalblocking database and giving the DB user access to it