[05:52:18] [telegram] /help@wikilinksbot [11:27:20] [telegram] Forwarded from unknown: ✅binary option trade, profit safe withdraw [11:27:21] [telegram] ✅No Upfront,No hidden fees [11:27:22] [telegram] ✅Prefect SignalsSESSIONS [11:27:24] [telegram] ✅Account management.. [11:27:25] [telegram] ✅Minimum equity $100 [11:27:27] [telegram] ✅Payment method🔥 [11:27:29] [telegram] ✅BTC ✅COIN BASE ✅SKRILL ✅ [11:27:30] [telegram] Inbox to get more knowledge on how to trade in Binary [11:27:31] [telegram] @BTCEVAN [11:27:33] [telegram] 👇👇👇 [11:27:34] [telegram] https://t.me/joinchat/zL1sgD9qZVZmYjM0 [11:40:21] [telegram] /help@wikilinksbot [19:35:14] [telegram] I am following the instructions on https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=wbcreateclaim to create a claim with an integer value but getting "invalid snak data" error. My API query looks like this: [19:35:15] [telegram] https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=wbcreateclaim [19:35:17] [telegram] What might be the problem here? [19:35:47] [telegram] I am following the instructions on https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=wbcreateclaim to create a claim with an integer value but getting "invalid snak data" error. My API query looks like this: [19:35:48] [telegram] api.php?action=wbcreateclaim&entity=Q1&property=P1&snaktype=value&value=1200 [19:35:50] [telegram] What might be the problem here? [19:36:06] [telegram] Value should be a string [19:36:59] [telegram] how? trying to add an amount value [19:37:33] [telegram] Look at the data type of the property and add that [19:38:36] [telegram] where to find it? [19:40:10] [telegram] For example look for P7328 at https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q64471360.json The value is { amount : "+5", etc [19:41:32] [telegram] Anyway, if you're just playing around, use the API sandbox ( Special:ApiSandbox ). If you actually want to get something done you're probably better off using one of the client frameworks. [19:43:07] [telegram] I am using Wikibot already [19:43:21] [telegram] but creating custom methods for it [19:44:29] [telegram] Adding simple statements is something I would expect to be part of the framework otherwise you have to do all the low level stuff yourself [19:45:43] [telegram] If you really want to do it yourself, you probably just want to use https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=wbparsevalue [19:46:30] [telegram] It will for format it for you, see https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=wbparsevalue&datatype=quantity&values=1200&format=json [19:56:43] [telegram] hmm, passing the following did not work. [19:56:45] [telegram] {"amount":"+1200","unit":"1"}