[00:02:38] [telegram] Is there anyone here skilled at OOjs? I'm having some trouble attaching click events to buttons [00:07:29] [telegram] i have two different buttons with .click events. One makes the other disappear. However, but click events fire as soon as i click the first button. They are defined like this: [00:07:29] [telegram] var editButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { [00:07:30] [telegram] label: 'Edit', [00:07:32] [telegram] icon: 'edit', [00:07:34] [telegram] title: buttonTitle, [00:07:35] [telegram] flags: [ 'primary', 'progressive' ], [00:07:36] [telegram] disabled: !enabled, [00:07:38] [telegram] click: addEditLine() [00:07:40] [telegram] }); [00:08:08] [telegram] Another issue i'm having is that the field layout is like this – i want it to be 100 % wide, but it caps out at 370px for no discernible reason : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/f73e6f60/file_4196.jpg [00:08:29] [telegram] (buttons and input field are supposed to be on one line) [00:16:06] [telegram] hm, that looks like it should be click: addEditLine, without ()? unless addEditLine() returns the real event handler? (re @jhsoby: i have two different buttons with .click events. One makes the other disappear. However, but click events fire as soon as i click the first button. They are defined like this: [00:16:06] [telegram] var editButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { [00:16:08] [telegram] label: 'Edit', [00:16:10] [telegram] icon: 'edit', [00:16:11] [telegram] title: buttonTitle, [00:16:12] [telegram] flags: [ 'primary', 'progressive' ], [00:16:14] [telegram] disabled: !enabled, [00:16:15] [telegram] click: addEditLine() [00:16:17] [telegram] });) [00:16:30] [telegram] aha, could well be. will give it a shot [00:18:20] [telegram] no, that wasn't it [00:42:51] [telegram] ̩@lucaswerkmeister you can see the code here if you want https://no.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bruker:Jon_Harald_Søby/diffedit.js [06:12:04] [telegram] it seems to be caused (for some reason) by the float: left on the oo-ui-fieldLayout-field class, and either removing the float or adding width: 100% to that element seems to fix it. adding editLine.$field.css("width", "100%"); after line 114 looks like it works (re @jhsoby: ) [06:16:18] [telegram] (as for the click events, I don't quite follow what's supposed to be happening) [07:32:47] [telegram] yes, that works! [07:32:47] [telegram] however, now the text field is a bit too wide, so it pushes the cancel button to the next line. setting the width of the text field to 50% should solve that, but I'm not sure what's the best way to do that? I could just do $('.oo-ui-textInputWidget'), but I feel like there should be a more 'proper' way to do it? (re @Nikki: it seems to be caused (for some reason) by the float: left on the oo-ui-fieldLayout-field class, and eithe [07:35:15] [telegram] huh, the buttons were already on another line for me [07:35:23] [telegram] i have several functions i want to attach to the buttons. for the edit button, the function removes that button and adds the edit field (edit summary + save + cancel), while there's another function i want to use for the save button, and one (that i haven't written yet) for the cancel button. i thought i could add those to 'click': in the element specification itself, but apparently not? unfortunately i haven't found many exampl [07:35:53] [telegram] probably due to screen size – that happens for me too if i make the screen just a bit smaller (re @Nikki: huh, the buttons were already on another line for me) [07:37:41] [telegram] I hope not, I have my browser window maximised and my monitor's not small 😅 [07:39:09] [telegram] hehe [07:39:38] [telegram] ah, I see what you mean in a private window [07:39:56] [telegram] (i can't help but feeling like this should have worked "out of the box" – i mean, the widget i'm using is called OO.ui.HorizontalLayout ...) [10:57:22] [telegram] Hello, do you know how to solve this problem for the Geo Data extension I have to install after its tells me this error message; : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/eac22835/file_4198.jpg [16:44:15] [telegram] Last time I checked, there's no good way to analyze the revisions table and to filter out bot edits, because the status of an edit as a bot edit is stored in the recentchanges table, and not the revisions table. [16:46:23] [telegram] One could filter out edits by users in the bot group, but it's not great because group membership changes. [16:46:41] [telegram] That's, at least, what I knew years ago. Has this changed? Is there anything better now? [16:48:00] [telegram] I want to do this, for example, to check how did the usage of the Visual Editor change as opposed to wikitext edits over time. It would be very good to filter out bot edits from such an analysis. [16:50:48] [telegram] that’s still accurate as far as I’m aware [16:52:35] [telegram] Naïve idea to address this that doesn't require a change in the database structure: [16:52:35] [telegram] 1. Add a change tag to every bot edit. [16:52:36] [telegram] 2. Maybe identify old bot edits by checking user groups logs, and apply this tag retroactively. [16:52:49] [telegram] Is this logically wrong? Too slow? Bad for some other reason? [18:06:44] [telegram] +1. On no.wikipedia i made a gadget years ago that colors bot contributions gray, but i had to do it by username (so it's prone to false positives) for this reason. I think i requested something like what you're suggesting in Phabricator (well, Bugzilla probably), but with no action (re @amire80: Naïve idea to address this that doesn't require a change in the database structure: [18:06:45] [telegram] 1. Add a change tag to every bot edit. [18:06:47] [telegram] 2. Maybe identify old bot edits by checking user groups logs, and apply this tag retroactively.) [18:10:09] [telegram] Can you find a link? (re @jhsoby: +1. On no.wikipedia i made a gadget years ago that colors bot contributions gray, but i had to do it by username (so it's prone to false positives) for this reason. I think i requested something like what you're suggesting in Phabricator (well, Bugzilla probably), but with no action) [18:13:39] [telegram] I think T6096 and possibly T6054. Not me requesting it, maybe i just found them and did nothing. [18:13:40] T6054: [[MediaWiki:Boteditletter]] (default ''b'') to mark entries attributed to bots - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T6054 [18:13:40] T6096: Bot edits should appear as such in RC / History - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T6096 [18:14:52] [telegram] The gadget is here, it it is of any interest. Pure css 😊 https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-graabot.css [18:56:35] [telegram] The gadget is here, if it is of any interest. Pure css 😊 https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-graabot.css