[10:38:32] ebernhardson: I'd assume that's a bug [10:40:08] It tries to avoid an array_merge or similar operation on an empty array, since arrays are copy-on-write so assigning an array is much cheaper than merging it into an empty array. [10:40:32] (Or not. Depends on how much array_merge etc. is optimized.) [10:41:24] But that only makes sense if the variable you are assigning is also an array, so the code should probably check for that. [10:43:16] Probably the order of the two ifs in that code should be reversed. [13:48:14] alrighty that makes sense, i'll put a patch up later today [13:48:17] thanks! [14:39:14] what's the difference between https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/profile/7176/ and https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/profile/7175/? [14:55:13] no idea. 7176 doesn't seem to be used for anything. tgr|away: lgaulia: ^ [15:00:05] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/board/7176/ so I guess use the other one? [19:28:15] MatmaRex: yeah that was a miscommunication.