[01:23:59] Amir1: from reading T373037, I believe you're essentially proposing to support hash stops in SqlBagOStuff, right? [01:23:59] T373037: Make ParserCache more like a ring - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T373037 [01:28:38] i.e. instead of `mswiki:pcache:idoptions:514481` and `mswiki:pcache:idhash:514481-0!canonical` we could have `mswiki:pcache:514481|#|metadata` and `mswiki:pcache:514481|#|output!canonical` [06:03:51] Krinkle: as Bartosz said, reset() is just a shortcut for extracting the first element of an array [06:04:35] arguably I could have used $errors[0], but that's just style [06:06:16] reset() was a defensive style I used in case of misnumbered arrays caused by unset() [09:30:28] Krinkle: for the first part, I'm proposing to have a sharding key which would be the same for idoptions and idhash (only being set for wiki id + page_id) so when we remove a pc cluster/host, only 1/nth get affected [14:25:18] TimStarling: ah, of course. I've actually seen us do that before, right. First internally ordered key regardless of sequential or assoc. I forgot about that part of reset(). That makes a lot more sense. [14:25:28] value*