[15:31:53] Krinkle: I got rid of disabling extensions on auth.wikimedia.org in https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/mediawiki-config/+/1115369 (was a bit of a lapse of judgement to do that in the first place) and I'm wondering if the disabling of UseSiteJs etc. is safe to leave there. [15:32:30] They influence the list of pages returned by WikiModule::getPages() overrides in subclasses. [15:33:54] I think it's fine because the list of pages goes into getDefinitionSummary() and that goes into the hash, so when you access the module list via the shared domain, it's a different hash and so no cache pollution... not really sure about though, my understanding of RL is very superficial [16:21:41] tgr|away: that's right. The only potential for cache poison there would be if we served load.php startup itself on authwiki, or if we shared local storage between local domain and auth. Neither of which is the case. [16:22:55] The handful of cases where WikiModule is is invoked outside RL, in OutputPage, eg to decide on the URL, edit preview, isKnownEmpty, should all vary accordingly. [16:23:15] I'd say that's worth turning off to start with until we have reason to do otherwise. [17:28:28] turning off as in not overriding $wgUseSiteJs etc. on the shared domain?