[19:59:50] I'm looking at https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/core/+/1118239/2/includes/specialpage/AuthManagerSpecialPage.php and trying to understand what ` $trxProfiler->silenceForScope( $trxProfiler::EXPECTATION_REPLICAS_ONLY )` is supposed to convey. [19:59:51] I understand what it does (it silences warnings about primary conns and write queries, instead of silencing everything)/ [20:00:11] But I don't understand how the method docs, the constant name, or the constant docs are supposed to convey that. [20:01:06] "start silencing warnings, in this scope, for (any expectations | expectations from replicas only )" [20:01:12] seems most natural, but would be inaccurate [20:02:07] I'm questioning it because afaik this isnt the idiom we used to use, but maybe stuff moved around. [20:02:08] comes from https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/core/+/839553 [20:02:28] Right, the idiom used to be just silence everything in this scope, and restore after. NOw there's a more spceific option, and it's for this purpose. [20:02:40] naming things is hard I guess :) [20:02:59] * Krinkle realizes he merged that patch [20:05:31] lolol [20:05:53] (I read the first patch earlier today) [21:05:59] Krinkle: yeah I found that confusing too. I guess it means "expectations of using replicas only".