[17:46:05] taavi: Hi, do you think this is good for turning on the strict mode? https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T161859#10579966 [17:46:42] specially whether "select ln_name from localnames where ln_wiki = 'labswiki' and ln_name not in (select lu_name from localuser where lu_wiki = 'labswiki' and lu_attached_timestamp like '20%');" will catch all unattached accounts [17:46:54] Triple checking to avoid messing up [17:50:35] Amir1: one second [17:51:10] thanks [17:56:22] Amir1: what's up with that `lu_attached_timestamp like '20%'` condition? [17:56:59] to make sure all types of null are weeded out [17:57:04] aha [17:57:57] anyhow, your query seems fine and I also checked that the `localnames` table matches with the local `user` table (sans `Global rename script` which is more system account weirdness and can be ignored for now) [17:58:24] so I think it should be fine to enable strict mode (and then account creation at some point) [17:58:50] awesome \o/ [17:59:04] Is there anything stopping us from turning on account creation right now? [17:59:31] (I mean beside laziness) [18:00:03] not really [18:00:39] I will deploy that right after this then [18:02:15] great [18:43:48] bd808: so for the last point of the checklist, it says we should drop tables. I'm looking at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P73353 and these seems to be the list of tables to bite the dust? [18:43:48] external_user [only in 'labswiki'] [18:43:48] ldap_domains [only in 'labswiki'] [18:43:48] oathauth_users_restore [only in 'labswiki'] [18:43:48] oathauth_users [18:43:49] oauth2_access_tokens [18:43:49] oauth_accepted_consumer [18:43:50] oauth_registered_consumer [18:43:50] oathauth_types [18:43:50] oathauth_devices [18:43:51] loginnotify_seen_net [18:43:52] Does this list sound good to you? [18:50:07] Amir1: are there any echo tables that need dropping? [19:12:38] Probably those too [19:12:41] Yeah [22:13:37] Amir1: w00t! Awesome job finishing it all up. Would you like to write to wikitech-l that we are now done, or should I? [22:16:16] bd808: I'm about to get dinner, I'd appreciate if you do it. my brain is fried. [22:16:20] if you don't mind [22:16:54] Not at all, I'll send something out soon. Have a good dinner and a nice rest :) [23:01:39] \o/ [Wikitech-l] Wikitech SUL migration is complete! -- https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/TDSBWLR4OHDBNNGOX4Q2XE7I534UREME/