[14:51:24] cscott: nemo-yiannis: fyi ^ [15:02:11] Krinkle: i don't see any messagesin the backlog [15:19:53] nemo-yiannis: https://wm-bot.wmcloud.org/browser/index.php?start=03%2F03%2F2025&end=03%2F05%2F2025&display=%23mediawiki-core [15:20:10] thanks [16:43:40] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/Mobile_domain_unification [19:22:42] \o/ [20:52:12] Krinkle: what accepting body is going to process a MediaWiki RFC these days? [20:53:48] * bd808 thinks RFCs are still a good idea, but thought all the process for them died with TechCom [20:57:07] I'm not aware of any agreed upon decision making process at WMF today. TDMPs appear no longer in fashion. Decision Briefs have emerged and followed by some. Internally, this will use a Decision Brief for formal approval/resourcing. However, as the person leading this decision, I want to make sure the the analysis and proposal is public and open for comments before finalizing that. [21:04:23] Krinkle: :nod: I just poked Levi on Slack to see if he's still working on that problem space (TDF replacement). I think I've heard of "decision briefs" as the way that Tyler got an answer on stopping the GitLab forced migration, but that also seemed like a bureaucratic process rather than a technical vetting of any sort.