[14:30:43] Hello if I have a mediawiki postgresql database dump, how can I figure out the mediawiki version from it? [14:31:07] Probably by looking at the schema and what tables are there... [14:31:26] and/or *maybe* what rows are in the updatelog [14:31:35] so it would be difficult to figure out [14:31:58] Not impossible, but not trivial [14:32:04] I guess it depends on your familiarity with pg and stuff [14:32:27] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Database_layout may help [14:32:39] It will tell you when tables were added and removed, for example [14:32:41] oh that is really nice, thanks [14:33:15] You can also compare to https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/core/+/HEAD/maintenance/postgres/tables-generated.sql for at least the version as is in master [14:33:46] If the wiki was at least active... Some of the timestamps in the revision table might give you a ballpark (though, of course, not that it means MW was up to date at the time of the edit) [14:34:04] if I want to upgrade from an old mediawiki can I install it on Debian 12 from source? [14:34:18] i [14:34:42] I've seen the upgrade instructions but I think I need to go back a few versions like maybe 1.30 or so? I am not sure yet. I guess I have to install that from source right? [14:34:56] It all depends how old the version you have on hand is [14:35:12] But yeah, as of a couple of years ago, we don't support upgrading from day 1 of MW [14:35:36] You might be able to use a currently supported release (ie 1.39), but you might need to go back further, and that could potentially have PHP support related issues [14:35:50] for example actor is missing so I'm probably <1.31 [14:36:10] yeah... [14:36:12] hm, PHP support? crap. that'd mean I need to find a way around all that [14:36:29] I guess I could use a docker image with debian 10? [14:36:30] I'm not saying it wouldn't work, but there's errors etc [14:36:51] Yeah, using a (slightly) older Debian version probably would help if it's that old, and you need to run an ooold MW version to get going [14:37:38] MW 1.35 shouldn't be too old of a starting point.. that will (in theory) upgrade from around MW 1.2 [14:37:56] And should be comfortable on PHP 7.3/7.4 [14:38:12] I will note that the PG upgrade isn't as well tested as mysql etc [14:39:09] I have changetag so >=1.15 and I have hitcounter so <1.25. [14:39:24] You've got a dump to begin with... so you have a backup of sorts [14:39:29] I'd honestly try with MW 1.35 and see how you get on [14:40:04] how many upgrades from MW 1.35 before I'm up-to-date? I think I recall last time when I actually saw the version that I was 3 incremental upgrades away from being current [14:40:19] If you can get to 1.35, jumping to 1.39 (supported until November 2025) [14:40:26] Guess it depends what your target is [14:40:50] 1.42 (current newest release) will actually upgrade from 1.35 [14:40:50] is there a short and long version of support? [14:40:58] So you can probably do it in two goes [14:41:10] Yeah, 1.39 is an LTS... 1.43 will be another [14:41:21] 1.42 is not an LTS, and supported until June 2025 [14:41:32] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Version_lifecycle [14:41:57] Got it, thanks. I will try to upgrade to the LTS. I need to figure out the version if I can. I was only given a database but someone else has access and I told them to grep for wgVersion and MW_VERSION [14:42:28] If they have the source files... Might be worth getting a copy, as you may be missing uploaded files too [14:42:35] But yeah, that old, wgVersion should be your clue [14:43:07] MW_VERSION exists only since 1.35 [14:43:20] (well, and some 1.33/1.34 point releases) [14:44:31] well the guide for upgrading seems thorough so I'm thinking it'll be smooth as long as I can get the right versions on Debian 8/9/10/whatnot [14:44:55] Debian 10 has PHP 7.3 [14:45:08] So you should be good to upgrade to MW 1.35 on that [14:45:18] great [14:45:52] would I know if the upgrade failed? [14:46:13] Some errors in the updater logs [14:46:14] because I could try upgrading now to 1.35 without waiting for confirmation of the version [14:46:19] oh... Do you also know what extensions were in use? [14:46:40] actually no. I do see ldap so some ldap extension certainly [14:46:55] do these have separate upgrade instructions? [14:46:58] Some extensions add DB tables etc [14:47:13] Generally, for extensions, match the version (branch) to MW, and you should be good [14:48:12] so install MW & extensions for $target version and then import/upgrade the db? [14:50:54] Yeah [14:51:03] The web installer... can work, but can have issues [14:51:23] the CLI one should be better, but does require some semblence of a working LocalSettings.php (another reason to get a copy of the files) [14:53:22] got it, just LocalSettings.php? [14:53:35] Hopefully they haven't modified any files themselves... [14:53:45] The skins and extensions directories will let you know about those... [14:54:02] Then as I say, there's potentially the images folder if the wiki has active uploads [14:54:13] Getting an archive of the lot is probably easier than just asking repeatedly piecemeal [14:54:30] wait, do I need the image dir to perform upgrades? [14:54:50] Nope [14:55:05] But if you're restoring content, your pages may be various amounts of broken/missing info [14:55:52] [14:55:52] MediaWiki 1.22.6, PHP 5.6.40-26+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 (apache2handler), PostgreSQL 9.5.21 [14:56:03] Just got this back. I'm trying to ask for the entire archive but I'm not sure if they'll send it [14:56:56] OK I will have to work on this more. Thank you for all the help. [18:12:55] to verify my wiki with goolge were do i need to put the HTML file? which folder