[00:00:15] fix incoming anyway [00:13:42] At least the error is limited to that API module [00:30:28] hi how do I set it so a certain user cant be ran on checkuser [00:31:15] I'm not sure that functionality exist [00:31:16] s [00:33:05] ok how do I set checkuser so users can only run it on themself [00:33:52] I doubt it has that functionality either [00:38:41] yeh it exist [00:44:18] If there's an admin about, https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Support_desk needs some reverts and LTA locks [00:47:12] Test CheckUser with limited functionality (checkuser-limited) [00:47:17] this is what I'm trying to add [00:50:51] I feel like I'm forgetting something [00:51:06] it doen't seem to support such limited functionality [00:52:00] what do I need to do to get it supported? [00:52:19] Support_desk spam handled by Re.edy [00:52:37] hmm, Edit the code? [00:53:39] not a bad idea [00:53:52] so how do I set centrelauth to show attached accounts and edit count? [00:54:03] Thanks Reedy! [00:54:03] I would revert were I not globally locked myself (long story..) [00:55:34] Regarding CU, you would have to modify the extension for that to work. With CA, what you mean is probably in [[Special:CentralAuth]] [00:56:48] ah ok what do I need to modify [00:59:26] Step 1: obtain the source code / Step 2: modify the source code / Step 3: Test and repeat step 2 until desired functionality is achieved [01:00:35] i really have a feeling it may break [01:00:46] CA breaks easily [01:02:57] well time to find the code for it [01:03:32] It will depend on what you do. Everything is documented on the MediaWiki wiki. [01:04:27] gromit: Tags pushed, including for fixed versions [01:04:34] Tarballs and emails incoming [01:04:51] all I'm trying to do is get global edit account and local wiki list to work via https://meta.filmpedia.fah-dc3-ds.com/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Cocopuff2018 [01:21:55] how do I get centrelauth global edit count to work [01:28:56] $wgCUDMaxAge = 100d is this how I set how long I want checkuser to keep CU data for or am I missing something? [01:29:19] That's the idea [01:31:10] im trying to set checkuser to never erase ip information from the database [01:34:33] Probably set it to something very large, but in reality you don't need more than 120 days of CU logs for using CU the intended way for what it is designed to do: investigate (malicious) use of multiple accounts [01:35:56] what do I put to have it keep it for 365 days? [01:36:58] 100*24*60 [01:36:59] $wgCUDMaxAge = 365d [01:37:21] and that's for logs or checkuser ips [01:38:42] I'm trying to figure out why globaleditcount isn't working if I uploaded patch-global_edit_count (1).sql [01:42:15] ideas? [01:42:15] > me, wanting a year's worth of data in CU [01:42:53] I think legitimately every CU in English Wikipedia would be more than happy to have a year of data [01:43:11] * Felenov is out for a cigarette [01:43:23] when u say a years of data u mean a year of checkuser information or just logs [01:45:56] i wonder if the value 1y works or not [01:46:14] or if it has to be just days [01:49:31] You can try it and see what happens. [01:49:55] it didnt crash [01:51:10] wish there is a way I could know rn if it worked or not [01:56:30] if I set cu data to 365d and than the default time passes would it just delete that cu data [01:57:07] if I removed 365d from localphp [08:05:56] I just been informed said user has a long record with Miraheze, oh dear... [09:24:27] Reedy: thanks! Will update the docker images ^_^ [17:55:20] Will remove PII apply via centrelauth or just locally? [17:56:39] I feel like I would need to create a table for it but unsure [18:06:05] Cocopuff2018, without sufficient context I'm afraid nobody knows what you're asking. [18:09:12] https://m.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:RemovePII [18:09:48] For this extension I have a wiki farm with centrelauth so I'm wondering if it will apply globally if I vanish it on Meta or globally [18:09:58] Vanish an account [18:10:03] Locally or globally [18:11:46] Basically my question is if it will apply locally or globally? For a wiki farm [18:15:38] Cocopuff2018: globally [18:18:42] Thanks [18:19:09] Cocopuff2018: it's extremely miraheze specific though [18:20:01] It'll work I think but it might not fully cover everything for you [18:23:27] Perhaps creating it a table may help it work better [18:40:34] Cocopuff2018: a table to do what [18:45:54] for removePII [19:01:01] Cocopuff2018: what do you expect to be in said table though [19:01:56] a table which will allow RemovePii to work with each other [19:02:56] Cocopuff2018: ye I still don't get how you expect that to work [19:03:07] You're not telling me what you'd put in that table [19:03:30] RemovePII has a hard coded list of tables & columns that include PII to purge [19:04:19] It won't work for anyone who has extensions that store PII that aren't available on miraheze as they won't be wrote out as deletes to do or updates [21:13:20] Hi there so checkuser has a bug were it's not returning all the results or no results how do we fix this [21:21:42] All I did was set $wgCUDMaxAge = 365d [21:34:29] Cocopuff2018, $wgCUDMaxAge is expressed as an integer number of seconds. If that isn't the problem, please include any relevant errors. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:How_to_debug