[00:39:25] So still no fix for the issue is there anything we can just set to prevent it from logging us out [00:41:09] I think it's an issue with login session not pages it's self [17:21:27] hi we got managewiki working but when we install extensions and when we try to locally enable the extensions arnt working [17:53:52] what do we need to do to fix it [18:22:17] Any fix for this [18:49:29] Cocopuff2018: Hi, could you be more vague than "not working", please? [19:02:42] Could you please pastebin your errors and maybe relevent config files Cocopuff2018 [19:03:01] And once you put the error in the pastebin (copy paste it_ send the pastebin link here [19:54:10] The issue is there is no errors it's just createwiki isn't working when enabling the extensions on a wiki [20:07:09] Cocopuff2018: Hi, could you be more vague than "not working", please? [20:09:19] So when we try to enable the extensions Via Managewiki it doesn't enable it and doesn't show as installed via Special:versions when we installed it in the backend [20:35:01] Perhaps @jest can better explain [20:35:10] @Juest: [20:50:03] Not sure why the extensions aren't adding via Managewiki [21:26:54] hey sorry, yes Cocopuff2018 ? [21:27:58] oh createwiki, are you trying to host createwiki yourself or are using a existing wiki? you probably should ask in #miraheze instead [21:31:36] hey andre, Eytirth, it looks like it might not be for here but for wikitide/miraheze because that extension belongs to them. unless the person is trying to host it on its own which i haven't tried and it requires a wiki farm setup for this with puppet [21:31:53] i unfortunately seem to have had some connectivity issues a moment ago [21:34:33] Ah, thanks for some basic context [21:34:36] Cocopuff2018 repeatedly fails to provide basic context and basic information so the required spoon feeding is not a good use of anybody's time here [22:09:22] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/um46v6mn/1000001572.png [22:09:44] So when we try to enable the extensions it isn't applying /working we installed the extensions however [22:18:19] It's saving but isn't adding the actual extensions to the wiki [22:54:52] That system is custom and specific to Miraheze, Cocopuff2018 [23:06:44] so how do we get it to work