[02:36:23] so none of the troubleshooting issues worked for my issue and still get the same error when logging in any other ways to fix [02:39:22] Cocopuff2018: maybe your https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgSessionCacheType is set to some storage type that isn't working correctly? try setting it to CACHE_DB and see if that helps [02:47:18] It seems to already be set to Cache DB @MatmaRex what else could we set it to or do [02:47:56] Which I believe the Cache DB is default [02:52:53] And it seems to throw same error [03:09:48] Is you don't set it to CACHE_DB what else can it get set to [03:21:45] Never mind fixed [22:51:50] I got a popup that said my main account, "Yaron", is banned from this channel... and maybe from other Wikimedia IRC channels too. What's the deal? [22:55:19] Yaron2: you disconnected at 21:44:48, nobody added a ban in this channel since [22:55:47] (or did anything, really. There were just joins and parts) [22:55:57] here you are [22:56:14] Yes! Strange. I definitely couldn't join 10 minutes ago. [22:56:42] dunno. maybe some throttling at ircd side? [22:57:20] Yes, could be... it was probably some kind of technical hiccup. [22:58:36] well, you're welcome :)