[12:27:18] hi [12:27:39] sir help me [12:27:41] https://soutar36.com/index.php?title=File:Gold_Videos_(2).mp4 [12:27:54] my wiki vedio not working [12:29:04] im upload vedio but show it Error creating thumbnail: [12:48:12] help me anyone [12:51:47] Guest77: the error message says: error: executable '/usr/bin/ffmpeg not found [12:52:23] install ffmpeg on the server, or edit the configuration to point it to the correct path (if it's already installed but on a different path) [13:17:15] hi Vulpix im use the cpnal imĀ  https://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-5.1.2.tar.bz2 and then go to public html and Extract and im use this $wgFFmpegLocation = 'public_html/user/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-5.1.2/'; // Most common path for FFmpeg on Linux [13:17:15] $wgImageMagickConvertCommand = '/usr/bin/convert'; // Path for ImageMagick (if needed) but not working