[13:13:23] I brought this up the other day in #wikipedia but [13:14:10] when you search https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?useskin=vector&search=... it strips the useskin=vector when it redirects you to an article [13:15:24] as a result addons such as https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/wikipedia-vector-skin/ don't work properly for search [13:16:58] is anyone familiar with how the redirection by Special:Search is implemented, or why the destination URL wouldn't be rewritten by a browser addons? [13:17:57] I wonder if it could be fixed by changing how the redirection works, or retaining query parameters in the URL when redirecting [13:18:57] bleb: you can change the skin properly if you have an account [13:56:14] bleb: the useskin query parameter is generally not kept at all, it is there mostly for preview purposes [13:57:16] open the main page with ?useskin=vector, then try clicking any of the links to the articles