[14:51:54] Remilia: so the question is why is the vector skin addon able to add useskin=vector to links that are clicked, but not to the page redirected by Special:Search? [16:56:58] bleb: you can change the skin properly if you have an account [16:57:34] RhinosF1: is there a recommended solution if I want to change the skin on a public computer with guest users? [17:03:57] bleb: good question [19:58:33] wonder if there is some sort of regression in 1.43 since I'm getting really weird process count spikes on very low rps [20:00:21] https://i.koumakan.jp/2025-01-06/1736193569.png I have not seen this on 1.41 and there are less than 100 requests per minute… [20:01:27] (white = php_fpm exporter got a bandwidth exceeded error from Apache, presumably) [20:06:09] job queue stuff as stuff gets reparsed? [20:46:39] Reedy: I upgraded on Dec 30th and jobs are not run on HTTP requests, there is a shell script looping through them (meaning php-fpm is not involved at all) [20:48:48] it feels like the offending requests are GET /w/api.php?action=query&format=json&formatversion=2&prop=pageprops&generator=prefixsearch&ppprop=displaytitle&redirects=&gpssearch=Fri&gpsnamespace=0&gpslimit=15 which is ??? to me because for some reason there are multiple in a second with more characters added [20:49:03] but this isn't the opensearch endpoint… [20:50:44] that's just someone typing into the search box? [20:51:51] sadly, autocomplete controls on MediaWiki core don't use throttle-debounce for requests :( [20:52:56] T266975 [20:52:56] T266975: Search suggestions are requested to the server on every key press, causing an unreasonable load on the server - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T266975 [21:57:52] Original exception: [076dcc09e29c5325b405d7fb] /wiki/ MediaWiki\Config\ConfigException: MediaWiki\Config\GlobalVarConfig::get: undefined option: 'MFUseDesktopSpecialWatchlistPage' [21:57:59] How do I fix this error? [22:10:07] Stop using it wherever it's being used [22:10:31] thanks! [22:17:59] Vulpix: I am somewhat surprised that it's not the usual CirrusSearch stuff though [22:21:35] also I would not really say anything if this was common, but I never saw this happen before upgrading [22:21:59] some skins roll their own autocomplete logic, but it doesn't depend on CirrusSearch. MediaWiki core has autocompletion, even without a fancy search backend [22:23:30] I think I found out what makes those requests, it's the Citizen skin and it seems to use CirrusSearch [22:27:18] I feel like this will be a pain to debug and solve… oh well