[02:31:36] Hi, do you have any idea why is this error poping up when I want to use search? [02:31:37] [a8aa12fa1bd186010c43a5aa] /w/index.php?search=File%3ALPedia_Logo_2005A_135px.png&title=Special%3ASearch&go=Go&ns0=1 TypeError: Argument 1 passed to MimeAnalyzer::getMimeTypeFromExtensionOrNull() must be of the type string, array given, called in /var/www/lpedia/extensions/AdvancedSearch/includes/MimeTypeConfigurator.php on line 49 [02:32:03] Wiki is using MediaWiki 1.39.10. When I disable AdvancedSearch, error doesn't show up anymore. [02:32:17] Wiki has CirrusSearch enabled, and it's working, it's maintenance scripts are working without any problems. [02:32:41] I didn't make any kind of customizations like in the code of the extension. [02:33:44] The version of Elasticsearch is 6.8.23 and I'm using a compatibility layer.