[21:33:53] Hi, I'm writing a python plugin to upload pictures from GIMP to Commons. But I'm having problems with implementing the login. I always get "Your session most likely timed out.". I know how to get it working with the requests libary, but I cannot use any external libaries for this. Has anyone suceeded implementing API-login with pure python3? [21:54:41] Nudin47: probably best to share your code via some sort of pastebin but it makes me think you're not persisting the session cookies [21:54:49] * RhinosF1 is about to go for the night though [22:10:11] This is one of my attempts: https://pastebin.com/r6s9Ji5Q [22:10:34] (I tried more ways but all had the same issue.) [22:16:35] your cookie parsing code is wrong [22:16:51] any reason you can't use external libraries? [22:18:19] It's supposed to be a GIMP plugin, and gimp comes with it's own bundled python, so I can't use systemwide installs nor pyenvs. [22:22:50] and it has nothing bundled besides stdlib? [22:23:25] jep [22:23:32] :/ [22:24:03] well, python stdlib *does* have urllib which may simplify some things [22:25:29] That was my first take but I failed with it the same way [22:25:33] (it has builtin support for http request/response as well as cookie support. just less ergonomic than requests) [22:26:41] oh [22:26:50] you also aren't updating your cookie values with the response from action=login