[10:47:40] 1.29 -> 1.35 sqlite mediawiki update.php is still caught in the comment table loop, i am close in simply giving up and archiving that wiki :( [10:48:38] Have you tried going an individual version at a time? [10:51:21] sometimes update script is less reliable when going in large version jumps [10:53:55] to your earlier question. There's no official way to switch between databases. If you were to switch to a different database, I would reccomend mysql not postgres (mysql is the main database MediaWiki supports, the others are much more experimental) [10:55:50] if you don't care about keeping user information, the easiest way to switch DBs is to use MW's export to XML feature, and then reimport later [12:23:14] i will try 1.29->1.30->1.31 etc, thank you for that idea!