[01:59:46] I want to run mediawiki on RHEL 8. Since RHEL 8 has php 7.2 I'm thinking I should install mediawiki 1.34. Is there a "better way"? [03:07:35] karlpinc: yes, get a more recent version of PHP from e.g. remirepo [03:08:59] also it says RHEL 8.10 has php 8.2 natively, so check on that [03:17:17] moonmoon: Thanks. I saw the remirepo, but I'm only finding php 7.2 on RHEL 8.10. Do you have any clues what repo I need? [03:19:09] (I can get 8 from the remi repo.) [03:22:02] 7.2 is from "appstream". [03:33:52] dunno, just saw it on the redhat site that 8.2 was available on rhel 8.10 [03:35:38] (it might be called "php8" rather than "php" or the like) [03:43:11] Thanks. I'll take a look. [03:45:50] Seems like it needs a RHEL subscription to see the page. [04:29:11] just an account, but the page doesn't specify how to get at it [23:06:24] I'm trying to do the on-line initial configuration of 1.43.0. I get the error message: [23:06:24] Error starting session: session_start(): Setting option "cookie_secure" failed displayed in the browser. My php-fpm is configured with "php_admin_value[session.cookie_secure] = on". How do I avoid this error? [23:21:07] php 8.4.3 [23:41:29] Looks like `session_start(['cookie_secure' => true])` returns 1, so starting a session with secure cookies seems to work. And I can set to false also. [23:56:15] What's the best way to get help with this? [23:59:25] karlpinc: MW isn't officially compatible with PHP 8.4 for starters [23:59:48] Well well. I should do 8.3? [23:59:52] yes [23:59:55] Thanks! [23:59:56] second, ensure you're using https