[15:30:50] hello, i'm having a problem with extensions: I want to use the Maps extension from professionalwiki, so I created composer.local.json and included the dependency. However, when I run `composer update --no-dev`, the contents of the `vendor` directory in my mediawiki installation get removed and re-installed, but some of the default dependencies like `jakobo/hotp` don't get re-installed and OAthAuth ends up broken. How do I solve this? Is there some way I [15:30:51] can install the Maps extension using composer without messing with the dependencies shipped with mediawiki? [15:32:20] are you using the composer merge plugin in your composer.local.json? https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Composer#Using_composer-merge-plugin [15:33:06] (though I have no idea if that works well with extensions that want to install themselves via composer) [15:33:20] it doesn't, and I was told by one of the maps developers not to do this [16:33:16] chili-b: installing extensions using composer is not recommended/supported. Extensions depend on mediawiki, not the other way around. So installing them as dependencies *of* mediawiki is odd and bound to create confusion. [16:33:53] What would conceptually work, but I have not tried, is: make a composer.json that represents the dependencies of your *site*, including mediawiki and any extensions. [17:40:06] Hello [17:55:41] I should really upload the tarballs [17:55:46] damn you mailman for confusing me [18:24:18] duesen: I don't understand how to reconcile this with the semantic mediawiki docs which say to create a composer.local.json: https://github.com/ProfessionalWiki/Maps/issues/745 [18:29:56] I'm working on updating our wiki to 1.43, and it seems like some of my extensions need updates. In particular, I've got one that uses content from a page, which I would previously get like this: https://pastebin.com/0b5YTZ0K [18:30:17] MW 1.43 throws an error for $revision->getContent, so I'm wondering what the replacement would be here [18:33:57] that shouldn't be deprecated or removed. what's the error you're getting? [18:34:30] Call to member function getContent() on null [18:34:59] that would probably mean that there isn't a page with that title on your wiki [18:35:33] oh - maybe the problem is with the makeTitle() call. it expects the title in dbkey form, that is, underscores instead of spaces. maybe earlier MW versions were more tolerant [18:35:53] Ah, that sounds like it might be right [18:35:57] Let me try replacing the spaces. [18:36:12] you can also replace makeTitle with makeTitleSafe, which will parse the title correctly [18:39:05] Strange, it's still coming back null [18:39:18] This was working on 1.39.8, mind you. [18:39:22] I think you want Title::newFromText() [18:39:43] but it will still give null if its totally invalid [18:41:14] makeTitleSafe will return null on invalid title, where Title::newFromText will try to actually fix it [18:41:26] vs makeTitle() which just returns an invalid title [18:41:59] I just realized the problem here is probably that I hadn't run update.php yet [18:42:12] Let me try that and get back to you if it still fails [18:42:25] [vs Title::newFromTextThrow() which will throw an exception on invalid title] [18:45:35] Appreciate you listing out the methods btw, thank you