[20:09:13] is there a way to use 'mw-collapsible mw-collapsed' without layout shift after page load? i.e. really make it invisible on first page load, not hide later when the JS runs? [20:11:34] taylan: yes, we have pure CSS handling for many common use cases for mw-collapsible, although not all. see the code here: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/core/+/1c4e9156dde815d74c8c7bec23911e48e8db94e1/resources/src/jquery/jquery.makeCollapsible.styles.less [20:14:13] if you're using a simple
, you probably need to wrap the collapsible content (ie. everything except the header that you want to keep visible) in
. otherwise the JS code is needed to figure out what needs to be hidden [20:14:44] MatmaRex: thanks, just figured it out :) [20:15:08] :D