[02:33:22] howdy. is there a way to prevent access to a particular special page (RecentChangesLinked) for logged-out users? unfortunately a wiki i run is being harassed by someone who is spamming that page via ddos [02:37:53] there's this: https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/mediawiki-l/2009-June/031231.html but it's 16 years old and i doooon't think they work like that [02:40:07] !lockdown [02:40:07] Lockdown is an extension for preventing read or write access by namespace and limiting access to special pages, see < http://mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Lockdown >. For per-page access protection, see !ppp. For general information on preventing access to your wiki, see !access. [02:40:33] I expect it to still work [02:41:27] I don't think it can be considered spamming, since it's not writable, though [03:12:56] It seems like there are a lot of people complaining about bots hitting recentchangeslinked very hard [03:16:26] Xkeeper: You can also do $wgSpecialPages['Recentchangeslinked'] = DisabledSpecialPage::getCallback( 'Recentchangeslinked' ); [03:16:31] to disable entirely [03:33:04] Wait, how do i make a checkbox be default checked with htmlform? [03:34:45] it seems like i should just be able to set the defualt to true [03:36:10] ah, figured it out, i made a mistake [04:01:12] i ended up using a bit more of a ... custom solution to block this particular abuse [07:35:30] if it's a ddos, it's probably better to limit it as early in the stack as possible rather than at the mediawiki layer [07:41:30] if there was an easy shortcut to disable the page being used, it would have been a nice first step until something higher up could be done, but in any case it's more or less resolved now [11:55:13] is there some way to know of new events, such as recent changes or echo notifications, other than by checking every 5 seconds? [11:55:32] id like to write an app. hints would be appreciated 🙂 [12:02:23] emails. [12:14:10] gry: the rss/atom feeds? [21:55:26] andre, emails is an ok idea. thanks for the suggestion. [21:55:42] p858snake|cloud, on android rss feeds can be checked only every 15 mins. that's not sufficient. i'd like to get notified in real time. [21:59:54] hello, does the dynamic page list extension have an api? [22:00:07] which one? [22:03:10] gry: there are push-like solutions like https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgRCFeeds . There are extensions integrating it with Discord webhooks like https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:DiscordRCFeed [22:10:07] reedy https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:DynamicPageList [22:10:23] Vulpix looking now thanks [22:15:33] No API then [22:15:47] Not without doing some sort of parse type call via the API