[11:41:56] .status quirc Intermittent Availability [11:42:32] .t [11:42:32] [clock] 26/Aug/2021 6:42AM [11:43:58] .help status [11:43:58] Sario: Unknown command "status" [11:44:03] .help [11:44:04] Sario: I've published a list of my commands at: https://sopel.mirahezebots.org/help_prod.html [12:22:44] MirahezeBot: load status [12:22:44] RhinosF1: Could not load plugin status: (wheel 0.37.0 (/srv/sopelbots/prodvenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages), Requirement.parse('wheel<0.37.0,>=0.36.2'), {'sopel-plugins.joinall', 'sopel-plugins.channelmgnt', 'sopel-plugins.adminlist'}) [12:23:01] Sario: it needs wheel manually downgrading [12:23:04] Or rebooting [12:23:09] MirahezeBot: reload wheel [12:23:10] RhinosF1: "wheel" not loaded; try the `load` command. [12:23:17] MirahezeBot: load wheel [12:23:17] RhinosF1: Plugin wheel not found [12:23:28] No you're not stupid enough to allow that [13:13:58] $log restart prod bot [13:14:05] Saved item "restart prod bot" [15:22:59] $log restart dev bot [15:23:04] Saved item "restart dev bot"