[02:14:09] updated massGBlock.js with a bunch of stuff [02:14:43] been meaning to add 2 years as an option/default for ages :P [02:15:17] but for some reason the format I've been working with displays oddly by default [02:16:10] Voidwalker, thanks. 👍 to the console logging and also the 2 years as a default option. I've blocked a few proxies as only 3-6 months by mistake as a result :P [02:21:30] no problem, if you have any other suggestions, let me know [02:36:16] will do [14:40:47] Command sent from Discord by DarkMatterMan4500: [14:40:48] .mhca AnimeFan [14:40:48] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/AnimeFan [14:41:23] @Reception123 and @Doug AnimeFan has continued the behavior by resorting to racism. [14:43:03] Also, look at his edits on Crappy Games Wiki: https://crappygames.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Contributions/AnimeFan [14:43:05] [ User contributions for AnimeFan - Crappy Games Wiki ] - crappygames.miraheze.org [14:43:45] :BanHammerMH: [14:44:06] Thanks @Void [14:50:54] $log Locally soft blocked [[mh:giantess:Special:Contributions/|]] on [[mh:giantess|giantesswiki]] for intimidating behaviour/harassment and deleted two comments that were such [14:51:00] Saved item "Locally soft blocked [[mh:giantess:Special:Contributions/|]] on [[mh:giantess|giantesswiki]] for intimidating behaviour/harassment and deleted two comments that were such" [14:51:08] .gj Void-bot [14:51:08] You're doing good work, Void-bot! [14:53:34] AnimeFan did after all act very strange in edits, so I don't know if there's more to the story. [18:16:03] Yeah, not many global edits, and none of them were constructive. Pretty clear crosswiki vandalism only account