[22:25:51] [[Special:CentralAuth/Tyler my butt]] Could someone deal with this vandal with me? [22:26:23] Command sent from Discord by DarkMatterMan4500: [22:26:23] .mhca Tyler my butt [22:26:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Tyler_my_butt [22:26:28] Could someone deal with this vandal with me? [22:38:24] Actually, I dealt with the vandalism myself, but I was hoping that either @Void or someone else could block this user since Rangerkid51 and other admins don't seem to be active right now. [23:43:08] $log Locally blocked a user for vandalism/removing content from pages for 1 week on [[mh:reallifevillains|reallifevillainswiki]] [23:43:20] Saved item "Locally blocked a user for vandalism/removing content from pages for 1 week on [[mh:reallifevillains|reallifevillainswiki]]" [23:43:59] I think Rangerkid51 would definitely make that indefinite, considering the severity of the vandalism that was made there, @Doug, but thanks. [23:44:00] DarkMatterMan4500, done [23:44:07] Thank you. [23:44:51] np [23:45:07] Oh, I didn't see it as too serious to be indefinite [23:45:12] but he can do that if he wants [23:45:39] https://reallifevillains.miraheze.org/wiki/Obama You might want to remove this page. [23:45:39] [url] Obama - Real Life Villains Wiki | reallifevillains.miraheze.org