[19:45:24] https://login.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Hayleymarchand17 - Spam [19:45:25] [url] User:Hayleymarchand17 - Miraheze Login Wiki | login.miraheze.org [20:53:34] Welcome luis-muller. If you need to report spam or abuse, please feel free to notify any of the voiced (+v) users, if it contains personal information you can pm them, or email us at cvt [at] miraheze.org [20:53:42] is void here [20:53:53] pls [20:53:54] pls [20:53:54] pls [20:54:14] i would like unblock [20:54:21] from meta.miraheze.org [21:00:38] luis-muller: hi [21:00:48] hi [21:00:53] Not void but if you message the info I might be able to help [22:20:41] If you have been blocked for proxy when you try to register/edit, it was likely a general block that wasn't necessarily against you, just is a thing that's done for security on the platform. Rhinos might fix it on his own, but for background the usual approaches are to either disable the proxy and make an account that way, or request it be created for you by stewards@miraheze.org. Please correct me if I am on the wrong track