[00:09:01] @HibiscusCrown20 Can you link me specifically to some similar edits that Happy Logos made that are similar to ones Jackson made? [00:25:21] If I could answer for him, if he's not around to tell you, maybe I could provide an example: https://closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Rhode_Island_Ave._Productions&type=revision&diff=137529&oldid=121209 An incredible overlap from this here (if it's a good place to start with). [00:25:22] [url] Difference between revisions of "Rhode Island Ave. Productions" - CLG Wiki | closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org [00:30:56] https://closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Happy_Logos https://closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Jack%27s_Logos Ever noticed that some of their user pages are all the same? [00:30:57] [url] User:Happy Logos - CLG Wiki | closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org [00:30:58] [url] User:Jack's Logos - CLG Wiki | closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org [00:30:59] Thanks [00:31:34] [[Special:UserRights/Dmehus@closinglogosgroupwiki]] [00:31:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:UserRights/Dmehus%40closinglogosgroupwiki [00:31:35] [url] User rights - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [00:32:13] Are page histories okay? If so, I’ll give a list of three examples from pages Happy Logos edited. The listed accounts are ones that were blocked for being confirmed Jackson sockpuppets per the block summaries issued for those accounts. • A page that has been previously targeted by two other (blocked) accounts that are part of Jackson's sockpuppet armada, which are Jackson is Wonderful and Logos Are The Best. [00:32:14] https://closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=The_Hurwitz_Company&action=history • A second page previously targeted by Jackson socks, in this case, Jackson's in the Mix and Logo to Return. https://closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Next_Thing_You_Know_Productions&action=history • A third page also previously targeted by Jackson socks, which are Logo & Company, Mr. Jackson and Jackson is Wonderful. [00:32:14] https://closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=6th_%26_Idaho&action=history And for further proof that Happy Logos is a Jackson sock, that account has a shared trait among all other Jackson sockpuppets (including the blocked socks listed), which is the fact that the “Real name” field on their Social userpage’s Personal information section is set to the name “Jackson”. [00:32:15] [url] Revision history of "The Hurwitz Company" - CLG Wiki | closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org [00:32:15] [url] Revision history of "6th & Idaho" - CLG Wiki | closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org [00:32:15] [url] Revision history of "Next Thing You Know Productions" - CLG Wiki | closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org [00:35:12] Sorry it took a bit, btw. I was typing it up in a Word document for formatting and also looking through pages to use as examples [00:35:48] That's quite fine. Doug is actually looking into it right now as we speak. [00:50:13] @Doug Could you look into the Chuck case now? Please refer to the above, or I could just reply to myself again. [00:50:36] This for instance. [00:54:05] I see that you're finished, @dmehus. But hold up, there's that Chuck case I wanted you to look into. [00:54:42] ok will look after I eat [00:55:37] dmehus Okay, that's great. I just hope you plan to be more active, with a few breaks within between for probably a couple days. [01:14:51] yes [01:15:03] and who do you think Chuck Time in the Moon is related to? [01:15:21] [[Special:UserRights/Dmehus@besttvshowswiki]] [01:15:21] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:UserRights/Dmehus%40besttvshowswiki [01:15:22] [url] User rights - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [01:26:20] Chuck Quenano 1990 at the most, given the amount of evidence was found there. [01:29:35] okay [01:29:38] looking [01:29:54] [[Special:CentralAuth/Chuck Quenano 1990]] [01:29:54] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Chuck_Quenano_1990 [01:29:55] [url] Global account information for Chuck Quenano 1990 - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [01:30:52] That reminds me of that user that created screen grab images of title credits [01:30:56] can't remember which one [01:33:08] Not sure about Chuck Time in Moon, but there does seem to be abuse by [01:33:09] Chuck Quenano 1990 [01:45:12] [[Special:CentralAuth/김소련]] @Doug And when you're done, take a look at this user: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/%EC%9C%A1%ED%95%B4%EA%B3%B5_%EC%9C%A0%EC%BE%8C%EA%B0%93 https://meta.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Stewards%27_noticeboard&curid=662&oldid=197029 This account has admitted to lock evasion last month saying "Hey, my account was named User:김소련 was blocked! You said, "abusing [01:45:12] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/%ea%b9%80%ec%86%8c%eb%a0%a8 [01:45:12] multiple accounts. Appeal to stewards[at]miraheze.org: Referenced master account, 온니원전설, for the purposes of appeals". Hey, I am really not User:온니원전설. So, please. Unlock my account User:김소련." [01:45:13] [url] Global account information for 육해공 유쾌갓 - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [01:45:13] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/김소련 [01:45:13] [url] Global account information for 김소련 - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [01:45:14] [url] Global account information for 김소련 - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [01:45:15] [url] Stewards' noticeboard - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [02:25:02] @Doug You might wanna give the jayuvandalwiki investigation a go, since that's something I've been wanting you to cover, including DFLE ARMY. To reiterate: https://jayuvandal.miraheze.org/wiki/%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC:%EC%A2%86%EC%BD%94%3D%EB%A0%88%EB%85%B8%3D%EC%86%8C%EB%A0%A8%3D%EC%98%A8%EC%A0%84.png And from these diffs mentioning you in the screenshot: [02:25:02] https://jayuvandal.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=%EC%86%8D%EC%A7%80%EB%A7%88%EB%9D%BC_%EC%A2%86%EB%A7%8C%EC%9D%B4%EB%93%A4%EC%95%84&oldid=23304 https://jayuvandal.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=%EC%86%8D%EC%A7%80%EB%A7%88%EB%9D%BC_%EC%A2%86%EB%A7%8C%EC%9D%B4%EB%93%A4%EC%95%84&oldid=23309 https://jayuvandal.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=%EC%86%8D%EC%A7%80%EB%A7%88%EB%9D%BC_%EC%A2%86%EB%A7%8C%EC%9D%B4%EB%93%A4%EC%95%84&oldid=23310 These [02:25:02] [url] 파일:좆코=레노=소련=온전.png - 자유반달위키 | jayuvandal.miraheze.org [02:25:03] edits referencing the locked users in question are suspicious from this history I found here: [02:25:03] [url] 속지마라 좆만이들아 - 자유반달위키 | jayuvandal.miraheze.org [02:25:03] https://jayuvandal.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=%EB%B0%98%EB%8B%AC%EB%A6%AC%EC%A6%98%EB%8B%B9%ED%95%9C%EB%B4%84%EA%BD%83%EC%9D%B4%EB%A7%8C%EB%93%A4%EC%97%88%EA%B3%A0%EC%94%A8%EB%B0%9C%EA%B0%9C%EC%A2%86%EA%B0%99%EC%9D%80%ED%95%98%EC%BD%94%EC%83%88%EB%81%BC%EA%B0%80%ED%8C%8C%EB%A9%B8%EC%8B%9C%EC%BC%B0%EB%8A%94%EB%8D%B0PaP%EA%B0%80%ED%95%B4%ED%82%B9%ED%95%9C%EB%B4%84%EA%BD%83%EC%9C%84%ED%82%A4:%EB%8C%80%EB%AC%B8&action=history [02:25:04] [url] 속지마라 좆만이들아 - 자유반달위키 | jayuvandal.miraheze.org [02:25:04] [url] "반달리즘당한봄꽃이만들었고씨발개좆같은하코새끼가파멸시켰는데PaP가해킹한봄꽃위키:대문"의 편집 역사 - 자유반달위키 | jayuvandal.miraheze.org [02:25:04] [url] 속지마라 좆만이들아 - 자유반달위키 | jayuvandal.miraheze.org [02:52:42] Thanks for looking into that sneaky sockpuppet, @Doug. [02:52:52] thanks [02:52:58] and thanks for the report [02:53:25] Which one? The jayuvandalwiki one that I asked you to investigate further? [02:53:37] Or that lock evasion report? [02:56:15] Either way, no problem. When I saw what they wrote, I was thinking to myself: "Is this user really that stupid enough to admit that they are doing lock evasion?", so I reverted their edit as a sock edit. [02:56:42] Lock evasion report from the SN link you linked me [02:56:56] what is suspicious about the jayuvandalwiki? Can you clarify? [02:57:44] I kept an open mind that it could've been a false positive, but entirety of the evidence was quite compelling to the contrary :) [02:58:55] The one about DFLE ARMY reacting to you locking the accounts from last month. https://jayuvandal.miraheze.org/wiki/%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC:%EC%A2%86%EC%BD%94%3D%EB%A0%88%EB%85%B8%3D%EC%86%8C%EB%A0%A8%3D%EC%98%A8%EC%A0%84.png https://jayuvandal.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=%EC%86%8D%EC%A7%80%EB%A7%88%EB%9D%BC_%EC%A2%86%EB%A7%8C%EC%9D%B4%EB%93%A4%EC%95%84&oldid=23309 [02:58:55] https://jayuvandal.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=%EC%86%8D%EC%A7%80%EB%A7%88%EB%9D%BC_%EC%A2%86%EB%A7%8C%EC%9D%B4%EB%93%A4%EC%95%84&oldid=23310 These ones. [02:58:55] [url] 파일:좆코=레노=소련=온전.png - 자유반달위키 | jayuvandal.miraheze.org [02:58:56] [url] 속지마라 좆만이들아 - 자유반달위키 | jayuvandal.miraheze.org [02:58:56] [url] 속지마라 좆만이들아 - 자유반달위키 | jayuvandal.miraheze.org [02:59:11] Let me translate them [03:00:04] Honestly, I did find it strange for DFLE ARMY to react the way he did towards you when the locks were happening. [03:01:18] DFLE ARMY appears to be nominating the page the locked user had created because they were locked, so it's unlikely the two users are related, I think [03:01:50] Ah, alright then. Guess I'll leave it alone for now. [03:03:09] I'm going off to bed, but I will be in touch with you tomorrow, if you're planning on being active. [03:11:13] Thanks for the links to the jayuvandalwiki. That's helpful context actually. :) [03:11:20] ok, night [04:05:24] ok I'm off for the night; will continue in the morning [09:08:55] @Doug Oh, no problem. So you're going to investigate that wiki? [14:30:14] Looks like you're up @dmehus. [14:47:06] yep [14:48:58] will look at the atrociousgameplaywiki report in a bit; warned Poopoopeepee [15:04:07] Okay then, thanks @Doug. [15:49:41] [[Special:CentralAuth/Xlstasy]] Found a one-single wiki vandal who targeted the Roblox Clones page on Crappy Games Wiki, and the edit summary they have added is filled with gibberish: https://crappygames.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Roblox_clones&diff=prev&oldid=254026 (While it might not be actionable to lock a user with one edit that is completely vandalism, I find this to be rather odd.) [15:49:41] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Xlstasy [15:49:41] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Xlstasy [15:49:42] [url] Global account information for Xlstasy - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [15:49:43] [url] Global account information for Xlstasy - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [15:49:45] [url] Difference between revisions of "Roblox clones" - Crappy Games Wiki | crappygames.miraheze.org [16:17:57] @Doug I saw your message on Allistayrian's talk page regarding that YandereDev guy, and I will just say that it was high time for that to be removed, as I was never really fond of that page anyway. [17:03:05] DarkMatterMan4500, 💯 agree [17:05:01] As for Alstasy, not sure how you can conclude based one gibberish global vandalism edit that they're abusing multiple accounts. Got some compelling diffs from other users, or other behavioural evidence? Otherwise, I'd be inclined to leave them locally blocked, restoring their user page access for a potential appeal [17:05:19] s/Alstasy/Xlstasy [17:05:19] dmehus meant to say: As for Xlstasy, not sure how you can conclude based one gibberish global vandalism edit that they're abusing multiple accounts. Got some compelling diffs from other users, or other behavioural evidence? Otherwise, I'd be inclined to leave them locally blocked, restoring their user page access for a potential appeal [17:14:24] @Doug Speaking of which, when you said that the links I provided to you last night had some good context, was that a sign that you were going to investigate jayuvandalwiki? [17:17:23] And by the way, I switched block settings for Xlstasy to just vandalism. [17:23:09] > Speaking of which, when you said that the links I provided to you last night had some good context, was that a sign that you were going to investigate jayuvandalwiki? [17:23:09] That wiki's always had some problems, yes, but no, I was just meaning your contextual links were added validation that my decision and thinking were correct [17:23:31] > And by the way, I switched block settings for Xlstasy to just vandalism. [17:23:31] thanks, that's great :) [17:28:39] dmehus: please check PMs when you have the time [17:29:42] [Special:CentralAuth/JayEss]] @Doug These 2 have been suspected of being sockpuppets, mainly due to their rational overlap with these edits: https://2b2t.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Jakethasnake52&type=revision&diff=60314&oldid=60242 JayEss was originally blocked for vandalism, then Crudelion1 went in, and did the exact same thing. In fact, their only edits were on this page: [17:29:43] https://2b2t.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Jakethasnake52&action=history The second one was blocked for block evasion/alt-evading. Not sure if you want to look into this after you look into LerdoMan74, Dr. Hater 687, and the other Leerdoman74 socks (some of which, are already locked, but is worth looking into). [17:29:43] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/JayEss https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Crudelion1 [17:29:43] [url] Difference between revisions of "Jakethasnake52" - 2b2t Wiki | 2b2t.miraheze.org [17:29:44] [url] Revision history of "Jakethasnake52" - 2b2t Wiki | 2b2t.miraheze.org [17:29:45] [url] Global account information for JayEss - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [17:29:47] [url] Global account information for Crudelion1 - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [17:38:13] yeah, I agree there's likely abuse there, but I don't know why you say they might be Leerdoman74 socks [17:38:37] Nearly 💯 certain they're socks, but necessarily Leerdoman74 [17:38:48] [[Special:UserRights/Dmehus@2b2twiki]] [17:38:48] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:UserRights/Dmehus%402b2twiki [17:38:49] [url] User rights - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [17:49:06] Yes, but if we look into LerdoMan74 (who is currently locked), there's something we could compare these responses with: https://atrociousgameplay.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Boss_Rematches/Boss_Refights_or_Boss_Reskins&diff=prev&oldid=10905 (LerdoMan74) https://atrociousgameplay.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Boss_Rematches/Boss_Refights_or_Boss_Reskins&diff=prev&oldid=15828 (Dr. Leonardo 76 (who is also locked)) [17:49:06] https://atrociousgameplay.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Topic:Wi0tdyaimmcjpe2u&topic_showPostId=wi1u9o3tif48jppz#flow-post-wi1u9o3tif48jppz (Dr. Leonardo 76's response which got him locked) https://atrociousgameplay.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Pikachu_%28Super_Smash_Bros._1999%29&type=revision&diff=15827&oldid=15728 (An incredible overlap between Dr. Hater 687 and Dr. Leonardo 76 can be shown here) [17:49:06] https://atrociousgameplay.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&logid=2792 https://atrociousgameplay.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&logid=2838 (Dr. Leonardo 76 and Dr. Hater 687 first registered their accounts on the Atrocious Gameplay Wiki, where Leerdoman74 has been frequently visiting). Well, that should cover it. [17:49:07] [url] Difference between revisions of "Boss Rematches/Boss Refights or Boss Reskins" - Atrocious Gameplay Wiki | atrociousgameplay.miraheze.org [17:49:07] [url] All public logs - Atrocious Gameplay Wiki | atrociousgameplay.miraheze.org [17:49:08] [url] Blocked for sockpuppetry: on User talk:Dr. Leonardo 76 | atrociousgameplay.miraheze.org [17:49:09] [url] Difference between revisions of "Pikachu (Super Smash Bros. 1999)" - Atrocious Gameplay Wiki | atrociousgameplay.miraheze.org [17:49:11] [url] All public logs - Atrocious Gameplay Wiki | atrociousgameplay.miraheze.org [17:49:12] [url] Difference between revisions of "Boss Rematches/Boss Refights or Boss Reskins" - Atrocious Gameplay Wiki | atrociousgameplay.miraheze.org [17:52:14] Those look like separate sockpuppetry instances [17:52:28] I'm handling the `2b2twiki` case right now [18:00:32] Okay. That sounds good to me. [18:18:19] It looks like you just got done with the 2b2twiki investigation. [18:20:55] :BanHammerMH: [18:21:37] Could you also handle the atrociousgameplaywiki case if you could do so? [18:21:57] Also, thanks for locking the accounts in question. [18:27:41] Just curious, do the actions on whogenwiki require any sort of analysis or investigation or is that allowed by the CoC/CP? [18:28:42] Agent, did you reply to my question? [18:28:48] what's the issue(s) there? [18:28:55] I did, let me pull that up [18:28:58] [[Special:CentralAuth/Zog1562]] [18:28:58] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Zog1562 [18:28:59] [url] Global account information for Zog1562 - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [18:29:02] Agent: thanks :) [18:29:33] > dmehus: whogenwiki is a 4chan-related wiki that has some questionable pages and content: A few troubling pages would include https://whogen.miraheze.org/wiki/Karenfag, https://whogen.miraheze.org/wiki/Perifag, https://whogen.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Doctor_Who_THE_Faggotry_of_Peladon.png, https://whogen.miraheze.org/wiki/Differences_between_the_general_and_the_forum, https://whogen.miraheze.org/wiki/Schizo, [18:29:34] [url] Karenfag - Doctor Who General | whogen.miraheze.org [18:29:37] [url] Perifag - Doctor Who General | whogen.miraheze.org [18:29:38] [url] File:Doctor Who THE Faggotry of Peladon.png - Doctor Who General | whogen.miraheze.org [18:29:39] [url] Differences between the general and the forum - Doctor Who General | whogen.miraheze.org [18:29:40] [url] Schizo - Doctor Who General | whogen.miraheze.org [18:30:09] @Doug I was going to report that the user in question, Zog1562 was insulting people in the comments. [18:31:04] this user was tripping the abuse filter a lot and his since been banned by network admins [18:34:29] * dmehus is looking [18:34:47] DarkMatterMan4500, yeah I'm conferring with Reception123 on that [18:35:26] Reception123: is that one of the 4chan wikis (`whogenwiki`) you meant? [18:35:59] ugh [18:36:03] one of these wikis [18:36:10] this reminds me of `johnqwiki` [18:36:21] johnqwiki? [18:36:38] Let me guess, another 4-Chan porn-inspired wiki? [18:37:39] generally, I have a lot of caution when approving 4chan-related wikis. I ask them to read the Content Policy and Code of Conduct and to confirm that they have read them and that if they don't comply with the policies, they'll be shutdown [18:38:23] Looks like the wiki whogenwiki was set up to insult or attack individuals, it seems. [18:38:59] In part, yes. It's standard 4chan culture unfortunately [18:39:32] I thought that type of shit was banned in UK-based wiki hosting sites. I mean the explicit NSFW content. [18:39:39] That page is not that problematic, as it's definitely satirical in nature. My main concern is around copyright, [[File:2Karen-fag.jpg]], and whether they're posting personal information without consent [18:39:39] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:2Karen-fag.jpg [18:39:40] [url] File:2Karen-fag.jpg - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [18:40:18] Wouldn't it be better to just email Trust & Safety this? [18:41:09] If I can remember correctly, explicit porn (including ones on minors or whatnot), copyright issues, or something like aggravated terrorism can be handled by Trust & Safety. [18:43:43] my main concern was CoC and Content Policy honestly, I didn't focus on copyright issues [18:45:16] I think Doug should message the owner regarding the situation at hand, as he had to remove an image due to copyright. A warning would be useful too. [18:45:35] Doug is a T&S responder [18:45:50] I don't think he needs to email himself [18:46:11] @RhinosF1 Correct, but I was talking to Agent regarding emails. [18:46:45] Ah [18:48:18] However, I have seen some other insults in articles like these examples: https://whogen.miraheze.org/wiki/Perifag https://whogen.miraheze.org/wiki/Karenfag [18:48:18] [url] Perifag - Doctor Who General | whogen.miraheze.org [18:48:19] [url] Karenfag - Doctor Who General | whogen.miraheze.org [18:49:26] While the word "fag" could mean cigarettes in British, these ones are questionable at best. [18:50:05] er, but in this context, it clearly doesn't [18:51:54] That's exactly the point. If this was heavy harassment towards a group of people, including unauthorized use of their information, that's something we can email to T&S, rather than publicly. I still recall the time RhinosF1 talked to me about this (essentially twice. The first time was on April 2nd, and the second time was on the 25th, I believe). [18:54:10] I still have a lot to learn, if I were to re-read the guidelines about T&S and what they do. (This includes a lot of policies that Miraheze has.) [18:55:20] https://whogen.miraheze.org/wiki/User_talk:Nilsonian#Copyright_violations_and_Content_Policy_reminder [18:55:21] [url] User talk:Nilsonian - Doctor Who General | whogen.miraheze.org [18:55:45] thanks dmehus [18:56:22] I haven't reviewed it fully from a T&S perspective, but mainly wanted to be proactive in reminding them of our global policies and also to handle the immediate copyright issues [18:56:26] np [18:57:06] but are any of the usernames there potentially Username Policy violations? Namely Castrovulva [18:58:37] ooh [18:59:21] I'd say likely to that one specifically, as it's combining Fidel Castro's name and female genitalia [18:59:22] @Doug What do you mean "ooh"? [18:59:29] will examine the edits to see if good-faith or not [19:00:36] PERIFAG (also on whogen) has been warned Reception but I am unaware if they've filed a username change request already or not [19:01:38] s/has been warned Reception/has been warned by Reception/ [19:01:39] Agent meant to say: PERIFAG (also on whogen) has been warned by Reception but I am unaware if they've filed a username change request already or not [19:01:52] in regards to a potential UP violation [19:02:13] Also, the wiki name, Doctor Who General is pretty misleading, as I don't see anything related to Doctor Who. [19:03:28] Actually, scratch that, I just had a look, and there are some pages relating to it. My bad. [19:04:31] Agent, https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User_talk:Castrovulva. Remind me in a couple weeks if they've not requested a global rename and I'll lock [19:04:32] [url] User talk:Castrovulva - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [19:06:56] dmehus: Thanks! [19:07:09] $log Removed file image for copyright reasons on `[[mh:whogen|whogenwiki]]` [19:07:09] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/whogen [19:07:12] and while you're here, could you peek into your PMs for a moment? [19:07:12] np [19:07:17] Saved item "Removed file image for copyright reasons on `[[mh:whogen|whogenwiki]]`" [19:07:17] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/whogen [19:10:29] sure [19:10:37] yeah I've been trying to get to those [19:13:14] re: Perifag, no global rename requested yet. Reception123, where did you warn them? [19:13:20] [[Special:CentralAuth/Gumball T. Watterson]] @Doug I just remembered something. I originally wanted Void to look into this guy, as they are a suspected sockpuppet of someone, mainly because they complained about me blocking them for sockpuppetry, made an absurd claim that the word sock was "offensive to cats", which makes no sense, and other things that are strange: [19:13:20] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Gumball_T._Watterson [19:13:20] https://meta.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Stewards%27_noticeboard&diff=prev&oldid=202557 Also, they've been doing suspicious editing on Qualitipedia with another suspected sockpuppets like My Story Animated. Compare (https://qualitipedia.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&logid=1616) this to these: https://qualitipedia.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&logid=1564 [19:13:21] https://qualitipedia.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&logid=1562 (And note that My Story Animated had the audacity to call me corrupt, just like Leerdoman74 does whenever he gets blocked, which I found that to be quite odd, but I was hoping you could look into it). What's more suspicious is how they react to when I blocked them. [19:13:21] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Gumball_T._Watterson [19:13:22] [url] All public logs - Qualitipedia | qualitipedia.miraheze.org [19:13:22] [url] Global account information for Gumball T. Watterson - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [19:13:23] [url] Global account information for Gumball T. Watterson - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [19:13:25] [url] Difference between revisions of "Stewards' noticeboard" - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [19:13:26] [url] All public logs - Qualitipedia | qualitipedia.miraheze.org [19:13:27] [url] All public logs - Qualitipedia | qualitipedia.miraheze.org [19:13:47] dmehus: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User_talk:PERIFAG [19:13:48] [url] User talk:PERIFAG - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [19:13:52] Reception warned them there [19:13:57] oh nevermind [19:13:59] it's all caps [19:14:26] I'll let him follow up on that then in a week [19:14:41] (he can see the global rename queue in his SRE capacity) [19:18:22] @dmehus, did you see my above text? [19:18:46] https://whogen.miraheze.org/wiki/Perifag is problematic, imho, from a CP perspective. I will consult with NDKilla and Void further on this wiki [19:18:46] [url] Perifag - Doctor Who General | whogen.miraheze.org [19:19:59] Schizo is fine. It's not really saying, well, anything. It's (trying) to be funny. I don't find it humourous, but don't see any problems, as written currently [19:21:10] darkmatterman450, which one? [19:21:17] oh [19:21:19] your report [19:21:22] The Gumball T. Watterson case. [19:21:24] I'll get to that soon [19:21:26] Yes, that one. [19:21:52] @Doug Thanks, as the one where he wanted me blocked on all wikis was TOO suspicious. [19:22:44] That should go on your to-do list. 🙂 [19:29:45] [Special:CentralAuth/Helpme]] [[Special:CentralAuth/Whyareyougood]] These users have all been randomly assigning genders to the polandballs on polandballwiki which is against local policy. This vandal has been here since before their wiki migrated to Miraheze and has created a total of 12 sockpuppets since late July to circumvent bans and assign genders to the polandballs (9 on the Fandom wiki, 3 here on Miraheze). [19:29:45] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Whyareyougood [19:29:46] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Helpme https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Wizardsking https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Whyareyougood [19:29:47] [url] Global account information for Helpme - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [19:29:48] [url] Global account information for Whyareyougood - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [19:29:49] [url] Global account information for Wizardsking - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [19:29:50] [url] Global account information for Whyareyougood - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [19:34:18] $log Warned blocking sysop re: the [[m:Code of Conduct|Code of Conduct]], particularly in their block summary(ies), and revision deleted the problematic log entry on [[mh:funvasion|funvasionwiki]] [19:34:18] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Code_of_Conduct https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/funvasion [19:34:18] [url] Code of Conduct - Meta | meta.wikimedia.org [19:34:24] Saved item "Warned blocking sysop re: the [[m:Code of Conduct|Code of Conduct]], particularly in their block summary(ies), and revision deleted the problematic log entry on [[mh:funvasion|funvasionwiki]]" [19:34:24] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Code_of_Conduct https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/funvasion [19:34:25] [url] Code of Conduct - Meta | meta.wikimedia.org [19:39:06] Interesting, the bot didn't relay the message correctly [19:39:12] [[Special:CentralAuth/Helpme]] [19:39:12] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Helpme [19:39:12] [[Special:CentralAuth/Wizardsking]] [19:39:12] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Wizardsking [19:39:12] [[Special:CentralAuth/Whyareyougood]] [19:39:12] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Whyareyougood [19:39:12] These users have all been randomly assigning genders to the polandballs on polandballwiki which is against local policy. This vandal has been here since before their wiki migrated to Miraheze and has created a total of 12 sockpuppets since late July to circumvent bans and assign genders to the polandballs (9 on the Fandom wiki, 3 here on Miraheze). [19:39:13] [url] Global account information for Helpme - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [19:39:14] [url] Global account information for Wizardsking - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [19:39:15] [url] Global account information for Whyareyougood - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [19:39:53] @Agent Could you provide the diffs too? [19:40:17] I'll try to too, I'm a bit busy but they seem to like targeting certain articles the most [19:40:26] i believe articles related to the middle east but I'll have to check [19:49:07] https://funvasion.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&logid=3439 https://funvasion.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&logid=3449 https://funvasion.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&logid=2810 Okay, these ones are definitely derogatory. [19:49:10] [url] All public logs - Funvasion | funvasion.miraheze.org [19:49:11] [url] All public logs - Funvasion | funvasion.miraheze.org [19:49:12] [url] All public logs - Funvasion | funvasion.miraheze.org [19:59:11] I mean, if you look at their contribs, you'll see that most of every one of these mentioned users feminizes the characters [19:59:15] they've all been reverted now [19:59:30] but it was quite the long list of vandalism they did [20:02:03] Oh yay, Doug just logged right back onto Discord. [20:02:50] I wonder how many pings he has [20:03:03] I'd say around 99+ pings. [20:05:42] He has about 99 from just you [20:09:31] 99 pings from just me? [20:09:44] Or Agent? [20:10:08] I think he meant you [20:10:17] I don't think I've ever pinged Doug [20:10:45] It's likely because I've been pinging the Stewards throughout the past month. [20:15:16] Probably an odd dozen, dozen and a half from me on-wiki [20:19:27] You DMM [20:20:09] Ah yes. Is it because of my constant pinging/mentioning the Stewards and CVT roles, @RhinosF1? [20:20:40] Of course, they were mentioned for good reasons within the past month. Mostly to deal with an annoying troll. [20:25:12] Yes [21:22:05] dmehus: when you have the time, please check your DMs, this is regarding the same user [21:52:08] I'm sure he'll read your message @Agent. But right now, he's doing some T&S work, but can't say anything else about it. Can't reveal details about it, as that I would be afraid that it would go against the Privacy Policy. [21:53:21] He actually just handled it right now [21:53:40] I pay attention to the #wiki-feed all the time. [21:54:00] oh really? that's remarkable [21:56:16] Yep, and not just that either. The #cvt-feed is another that I am more attentive to all the time mostly. [23:06:55] @Doug You still around to check both my CheckUser requests here and Agent's CheckUser request regarding the users he reported? [23:09:36] dmehus: ^ [23:43:29] Agent, DarkMatterMan4500, looking [23:43:59] @Doug Thank you. [23:44:18] Agent, which ones were yours? DM me if they are T&S related [23:47:02] Unless they're Steward-related, those seem to be handled. DarkMatterMan4500, you've reported a bunch. Where do I start? What haven't I looked at? [23:47:37] dmehus: Below is the original message: [23:47:38] [[Special:CentralAuth/Helpme]] [23:47:38] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Helpme [23:47:38] [[Special:CentralAuth/Wizardsking]] [23:47:38] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Wizardsking [23:47:38] [[Special:CentralAuth/Whyareyougood]] [23:47:38] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Whyareyougood [23:47:38] These users have all been randomly assigning genders to the polandballs on polandballwiki which is against local policy. This vandal has been here since before their wiki migrated to Miraheze and has created a total of 12 sockpuppets since late July to circumvent bans and assign genders to the polandballs (9 on the Fandom wiki, 3 here on Miraheze). [23:47:39] [url] Global account information for Helpme - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [23:47:40] [url] Global account information for Wizardsking - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [23:47:41] [url] Global account information for Whyareyougood - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [23:47:43] oh right [23:47:46] yes that one [23:48:05] I haven't had time to get the diffs but if you look at all of the accounts contributions, they all focus on feminizing the characters [23:48:51] Gumball T. Watterson. (You can start with my report after you deal with Agent's report first.) [23:49:24] I meant the Gumball T. Watterson report can be done after Agent's. [23:53:11] [[Special:UserRights/Dmehus@polandballwiki]] [23:53:11] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:UserRights/Dmehus%40polandballwiki [23:53:12] [url] User rights - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [23:55:25] @Agent I think I can gather them, starting with these: https://www.polandballwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Romaball&diff=prev&oldid=1277770&diffmode=source (Whyareyougood) https://www.polandballwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Pakistanball&diff=prev&oldid=1274776&diffmode=source (Wizardsking) https://www.polandballwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Netherlandsball&diff=prev&oldid=1272016&diffmode=source (Helpme) All of these diffs I [23:55:25] could find have ONE THING in common: These 3 have a tendency to switch certain words from "his" to "her", "guys" to "girls", etc. [23:55:26] [url] Difference between revisions of "Romaball" - Polandball Wiki | www.polandballwiki.com [23:55:27] [url] Difference between revisions of "Pakistanball" - Polandball Wiki | www.polandballwiki.com [23:55:28] [url] Difference between revisions of "Netherlandsball" - Polandball Wiki | www.polandballwiki.com [23:57:06] Thank you! You're very fast [23:57:19] Not a problem.