[00:00:08] https://meta.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Stewards%27_noticeboard&diff=prev&oldid=212707&diffmode=source Ironically, I was going to make a report regarding TBC230 and TBC280 vandalizing Blubabluba9990's wiki on this very channel, but now I won't have to. [00:00:10] [url] Difference between revisions of "Stewards' noticeboard" - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [00:23:32] dmehus: please check PMs when you've the time, thanks [00:26:17] ^ [01:42:14] Agent, done [01:42:32] Once again, lies! [01:42:36] /s (ofc) [01:45:46] dmehus: Could you possibly look at the private messages I sent you here on IRC if you have a minute or 2? [01:58:54] sure, darkmatterman450 [02:05:40] Thank you. [02:58:06] I'm sure you'll get to those 2 requests in the meantime, as I've seen this occur before (even when I wake up at 5AM in the morning). [02:59:35] https://nonciclopedia.org/wiki/Speciale:Contributi/ https://nonciclopedia.org/wiki/NUN_ME_VOJO_FA_NA_VITA,_ECCO!_IO_VIVO_IN_FUNZIONE_DI_PATPAT_E_DUROSI%27,_L%27UNICA_RAGIONE_DI_VITA_ESISTENTE._ED_ANCHE_ASD-PATASD_E_SILPAT-PATCASC._SENZA_DI_LORO_MI_SAREI_GIA%27_SUICIDATO,_PER_FORTUNA_ESSI_ESISTONO Meanwhile, this suspected LTA is at it on nonciclopediawiki. [02:59:36] [url] Curriculum di - Nonciclopedia | nonciclopedia.org [02:59:38] [url] NUN ME VOJO FA NA VITA, ECCO! IO VIVO IN FUNZIONE DI PATPAT E DUROSI', L'UNICA RAGIONE DI VITA ESISTENTE. ED ANCHE ASD-PATASD E SILPAT-PATCASC. SENZA DI LORO MI SAREI GIA' SUICIDATO, PER FORTUNA ESSI | nonciclopedia.org [07:54:59] DarkMatterMan4500, I will have to look at the Leerdoman74 and Angel Pearl reports tomorrow or Tuesday, as other things came up [10:03:59] Alright then. That's fine with me. Just don't forget about them. [10:07:37] https://meta.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&logid=673125 Are you kidding me? How did you know this user was Bugambilia? I never thought I wouldn't see that user come back again. [10:07:38] [url] All public logs - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org