[01:41:43] Does this actually work from the relay? [01:42:03] That's very bad if so. It's not intended to [01:44:35] It's not supposed to ping roles as a security against things like everyone or here (I know those will not work) or verified wiki users [01:46:07] Anyone want to try VWU? [01:46:12] I’m not sure I want to find out [01:47:21] I definitely don't. I don't think the bot has access to ping it but I'd rather the bot not rely on permissions. [10:33:30] I'm resisting the urge to try it [15:07:46] VWU? [15:07:54] verified wiki user [15:08:00] Oh. [18:10:02] I’m not sure [18:50:48] Why'd it be bad to rely on permissions? [19:04:48] Because default permissions allow ping everyone here and all roles, so if it isn't changed on accident it could easily be pinged and its a bot that often times bots are granted admin or something I just don't like bots relying on permissions and being able to cause issues if permissions are wrong. [19:05:09] Oh I see [19:06:41] I'll probably make it so the relay can't ping a role with IE over 20 members or something [19:09:17] Isn't it a bit strange that it requires you to compete a captcha to submit the form when one of the request reasons is captcha issues? [19:14:12] Only roles that have that are VWU and Announcement pings [19:18:16] That's the point to still allow group roles to be pinged from IRC [19:18:51] yeah [20:58:01] A manual configuration option could work too. A list of allowed roll pings would probably be my go to. [22:36:50] https://degreesoflewdity.miraheze.org/wiki/CommentStreams:F7a3e089ff6af57d7db297b728ad59a0 [22:37:32] https://degreesoflewdity.miraheze.org/wiki/CommentStreams:6040d274e0e0f0a660ca1fea1aa3074b [22:37:56] @CVT spam