[01:11:08] I wouldn't call that defamatory. If anything, it's just trolling. There is quite a difference between the two in some way. (Sorry for the late response lol.) [01:11:42] 2 day delay ๐Ÿ˜ญ [01:12:03] Sorry lol [01:18:47] See the AF log. They attempted to defame MacFan [01:24:46] Do GP have access to that filter? May be private [01:26:22] Alright then/ [01:26:53] iirc, yes [01:28:00] Okay so itโ€™s public [01:28:06] Uhh, how is that defaming? In order for it to be defamation, that troll would have to knowingly lie about him, or frame him for something he never did to tarnish his reputation. [01:28:58] All I see from the abuse filter log is attempted trolling. [01:29:21] where they flagged or blocked [01:29:44] whats the ID of the defaming edit log [01:29:52] hmm this might be a cultural barrier [01:30:08] It's not defamation. Besides, that's not how it works. [01:31:39] Does it matter at this point? They clearly had no good faith intentions, and is down smite and salted [01:32:13] I know it's salted. But at this point? I'm just saying it like it is. [01:32:21] fair [01:33:28] Glad to see we're on the same page. Anyway, I'm going back to what I was doing before I became aware of this, [01:39:20] Thank you for letting me know. There seems to be a cultural/language barrier around here. If my expression was not appropriate then my bad for that [12:36:55] defamation is a loaded word in english terms, carrying legal implications [12:37:15] perhaps that is where the trouble was from [12:38:47] ah thanks for correcting me [12:40:18] really not a huge deal tbh [21:59:43] ๐Ÿ˜ข Just found out that User Magnanon has been uploading images from other sources, under his own name, wrong license, which all are copyrighted. [22:00:15] The same goes likely for images he uploaded to several other wiki's of Miraheze. [22:00:42] how long ago [22:01:29] Since March I guess? [22:01:57] what imahes [22:02:23] Images of Amy Winehouse, Basset hounds, Flags, etc. All kinds. I've been deleting them [22:04:00] [1/2] See also: [22:04:00] [2/2] https://commons.miraheze.org/wiki/User_talk:Magnanon [22:04:13] Problematic user I guess [22:06:15] commons warden [22:07:31] https://commons.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Campotosto_terremoto.jpg Same with this one [22:07:51] http://www.6aprile.it/featured/2018/01/29/terremoto-a-campotosto-deve-rinascere-tutto-mentre-si-attendono-ancora-le-sae.html [22:08:32] He took it from that website, and uploads it under his own name [22:08:37] ๐Ÿ˜ฆ [22:09:40] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443926951292567562/1268329764708548750/image.png?ex=66ac07a4&is=66aab624&hm=1425c6db292d231274f07f95fe1dfdbf4f30ac158c1cad3d2e8aef4833030b98& [22:19:29] Seems active on https://vuipedia.miraheze.org/ [22:21:54] Robert why do I get the feeling you have tracked down this manโ€™s exact location and are currently rushing to his housenat 980 mile an hour [22:22:34] I am at his front door with an A X in my hand ๐Ÿ˜„ [22:22:41] LMAO [22:23:03] OKAY @felenov we really need to look into hosting a quips instance