[22:03:05] Hey, I'm trying to log in to my private wiki using my alternative account but I'm getting an error which states that the auto creation of account failed because my IP address is in range which is globally blocked. [22:03:40] @Stewards ^ [22:04:03] @Global Administrators can resolve this one [22:04:20] Nah [22:04:24] We can’t access the page [22:04:30] NDA [22:04:34] is that centralauth tool not in GA toolkit [22:04:38] Private wiki problem [22:04:47] oh, you have to access that page locally [22:04:48] got it [22:04:53] It's a private wiki - unless there's some way for us to create accounts remotely, we cannot access the wiki in order to create the account [22:05:53] If you are a bureaucrat on the wiki, please create a request at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Miscellaneous using your crat account, identifying the wiki and the account we need to connect to it [22:06:47] Fine, thanks for your help. [22:14:27] Made a formal request. See https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Miscellaneous#Auto-account_creation_issue [22:25:01] Thanks, will process that shortly, working through the backlog now [22:27:37] Thanks for your help. [23:00:40] Not a problem, this is now done