[16:07:55] [1/2] still needs smite [16:07:55] [2/2] [16:08:23] apparently just locking isn't too effective and they are a squirrely one [21:42:28] Hey, we got someone on /tg/ saying they're going to mass report 1d6chan for policy violations despite you guys saying a year ago that it was mostly fine (over stuff against the content policy being removed and work to clean up the old stuff), just a heads up [21:46:27] Its just people being salty about stuff that now crosses a line being removed, not legitimate concerns (and if there were any we'd get right on that) [21:49:59] If there's nothing legitimate to it, you'll be fine [21:50:14] And mass reporting won't do them any favours with our team [21:58:05] https://login.miraheze.org/wiki/User:That_DFW_user [21:58:22] [1/2] He's back again!! [21:58:23] [2/2] 😦 [21:58:55] @raidarr Want to ram the hammer again? 😄 [22:17:17] [1/2] I believe I discussed it with you or another representative at the time when you were talking about migration. [22:17:18] [2/2] Unless something has radically changed, you're almost certainly still good [22:20:37] I'm still not free for around 2 hours, but will tackle if Raidarr doesn't get to it first [22:22:54] I have my alarm go to notify you for that robloxian invasion... 😉 [22:35:37] no access to address him globally [22:35:58] I guess the time for rfs 4 is sooner than later in light of that [22:40:15] Erm, rfs 4? [22:51:49] another rfs so soon? [23:01:31] Request for Stewardship [23:01:44] GA: Am I a joke to you [23:02:33] I’m rather surprised Raidarr didn’t downgrade his roles when he resigned [23:02:40] That RfC clause was literally designed with him in mind [23:06:54] He's beginning to look like that blinker light - On/off/on/off/on/off/... [23:07:29] just like John [23:07:56] he did to WC, not sure why he didn’t keep GA tbh [23:08:29] It helped create distance at the time [23:08:36] gotta beat the john record [23:08:38] He was WC before he was steward [23:08:43] so he got to retain the hat [23:08:52] I was ga before ever steward too [23:08:57] gs* [23:09:12] meta admin came way way later though [23:09:22] was the first non-meta-admin gs or steward [23:09:31] you were, indeed [23:09:36] I just realized you were GS [23:10:04] I just realized that even though I nominated you [23:10:17] > Everyone knows who Raidarr is (he tore Miraheze in two) so he needs no introduction [23:10:35] LOL [23:11:31] > While Global Sysop has historically been chiefly countervandalism (despite the scope being widened a few years back), it has been planned for Global Sysops to have their scope widened [23:11:35] yeah no, that's stale [23:13:24] it was widened and it is planned to widen [23:13:25] hm [23:13:46] wasn't there an attempt somewhat recently to add yet another group in that lineup too [23:13:59] LMAO [23:14:08] Community Moderator? [23:14:32] ah, that one [23:29:40] Any @Stewards able to reset/fix perms here? https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13152