[19:07:46] + 2 [19:25:35] After reviewing, there's no consistent rangeblock or AF-based solution that I can readily find. [19:25:53] @Technology Team maybe time for another import of WMF filters/blocks? [21:32:14] you do that yourself actually [21:32:18] Tech can’t help as no script exists [21:32:24] I used to be in charge of that as Steward [21:46:59] Ah, good to know. I'll follow up w/ you on this later, I'm on to other tasks for the day. [22:56:33] [1/3] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/MiraEdit [22:56:34] [2/3] Edits Meta Policy and Help pages text which could give the wrong impression, it being a Miraheze official account. [22:56:34] [3/3] I believe that this violates the User Policy [22:57:56] other 2c in mcr where it was also reported