[22:23:02] Frisk: you round? [22:23:08] yup [22:23:21] Mind if I DM ya on IRC rq [22:23:31] kind of, battling with some recursion issue but sure, do DM me [22:23:41] Recursion? [22:24:04] I can email if you’d prefer [22:24:04] just my Python bot doing insanity for no reason out of nowhere [22:24:13] It’s python [22:24:15] I don't mind either ^^ [22:24:56] I’ll email then cause my bouncer isn’t a fan of logs currently [22:25:11] lol [22:25:16] sure [22:25:25] User:Frisk? [22:25:44] User:FriskyGoat [22:26:00] this is why we confirm [22:26:09] :) [22:27:47] Frisk (usurped) [22:29:04] were very surprised it was available on liberachat, but made me happy I could snatch it [22:31:07] Ha [22:31:10] sent btw [22:31:27] Ah, been a while since ive seen that teal [22:31:34] Looks great on ya [22:38:10] I mean, User:Frisk is totally eligible for Usurpation like agent joked lmao [22:38:17] no edits, 5+ years old [22:38:33] is that a thing on Miraheze [22:38:43] Yes it is [22:38:52] _explodes_ [22:39:39] I wish I knew it before [22:40:28] [[UP]] [22:40:28] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/UP [22:40:29] [22:40:45] [1/4] > Accounts with 0 edits (on any wiki): [22:40:45] [2/4] > the account must have been created more than 1 year prior to the request for usurpation; [22:40:45] [3/4] > the user requesting usurpation must place a notice on the target account's talk page informing their intention to usurp and wait 1 month for a response before requesting; [22:40:45] [4/4] > the user must have a good reason for requesting the usurpation. [22:42:09] thanks for telling me, will go through that process :) [22:42:20] once I put out the fires [22:42:53] and yes, I got your email, thanks pixldev, will also answer it after the fires [22:43:06] No worries [22:43:34] i forget the relay shows user not display name [22:43:52] _waves at PixDeVl sleeping in away_ [22:43:58] haha [22:45:47] I need to get on irc more [22:45:54] My bouncer is still connected to scoutlink [22:46:00] i like that network [22:46:15] but my school Chromebook is going ballistic on blocks [22:46:23] including irc web client [23:04:04] imagine your machine not being able to handle IRC [23:06:44] locked down spybook L [23:16:31] Chromebooks are just Chrome with a built in keyboard, only thing they go for is the trashcan [23:20:46] And school admins